Press Releases

Alexandria, VA – The three television broadcast networks completely ignored tens of thousands of Americans who participated in more than 160 coordinated noontime rallies in support of religious freedom across the United States this past Friday, according to a new Media Research Center analysis . The networks didn’t commit a single second of coverage on either their morning or evening broadcasts to the widespread dissent against the anti-religious freedom Health and Human Services mandate. By comparison, CBS News dedicated four separate on-air segments between May 30 and June 1 to the supporters of a group of left-leaning Catholic nuns. CBS... continue reading
The broadcast networks stubbornly pushed ahead, logging another 24 hours -- now we're at four straight days -- ignoring the Catholic lawsuits against the Obama administration. And once again on Thursday night, instead of covering this historic lawsuit championing religious freedom, the CBS Evening News offered another two and a half minutes to a “massive coverup” of Catholic sex abuse in Philadelphia. That’s five minutes on Catholic abuse charges to 19 seconds on Catholic religious freedom. ABC and NBC are still silent, completely silent. Taxpayer-funded NPR, which has ignored Catholic religious freedom on its morning and evening newscasts all week,... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – Fury over the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts’ continued refusal to report the lawsuits Catholic entities have filed against the Obama administration has spread beyond the Media Research Center watchdog group and Catholic leaders to 11 additional Christian leaders equally concerned about this decision to deliberately not report national news. Below are statements released by FRC’s Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer of American Values and 9 more leaders. For the third night in a row the broadcast networks have refused to cover this correctly. This momentum is fueled by CBS Evening News’ outrageous decision not only to... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – Nine prominent Catholic leaders have joined the Media Research Center to voice outrage over the broadcast networks deliberately withholding news of the momentous 43 Catholic entities suing the Obama administration for violating their religious freedoms. They represent major organizations including the Acton Institute, Cardinal Newman Society, SBA List, the Catholic League and others. More are coming in every hour. There are 60 million Catholics in the US. The Catholic vote will be the most important swing vote this year. So it’s not just a major policy issue, it is one with massive political implications. Yet, 19 seconds... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – The evening news broadcasts all but spiked the largest legal action in history to defend our Constitutionally-protected religious freedom, according to a new Media Research Center analysis. ABC’s World News and NBC’s Nightly News refused to report news of the 43 Catholic dioceses and organizations suing the Obama administration. What could have been more newsworthy than this? NBC Nightly News devoted an entire story to a lunar eclipse; ABC led their evening broadcast and devoted an incredible three minutes and 30 seconds to the sentencing of the Rutgers student who spied on his gay roommate with a... continue reading
May 9, 2012 – Today Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell applauds Sen. Jim DeMint (R - SC) and Rep. Doug Lamborn (R - CO) for calling for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting (CPB) to be permanently defunded of taxpayer subsidies. According to DeMint, CPB funding escalated by nearly 31 percent in 11 years and this is during a time when the United States is $15 trillion in debt. “Now is the appropriate and necessary time for the government to end taxpayer subsidies for CPB” said Demint in a letter released today to colleagues in the Senate. Both Lamborn... continue reading
May 3, 2012 - NBC has quietly fired Today show correspondent Lilia Luciano for yet another misleading edit to George Zimmerman’s 9-1-1 call. Both edits were clearly meant to inflame racial tensions; both clearly distorted the picture. Although NBC has claimed to be conducting an internal investigation into the fraudulent edits, and by their firings are clearly acknowledging the wrongdoing, astonishingly they continue to refuse to apologize on-air to their viewers for their repeated journalistic malpractice. Brent Bozell , President of the Media Research Center, consistently insisted NBC and its parent company Comcast have lost all credibility by these deliberate... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – Today, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell publicly dared The Daily Show host Jon Stewart to desecrate either the Koran or the Torah on national television in the same manner he offended millions of American Christians by portraying the Nativity as an accessory for female genitals . Bozell makes the challenge well aware that Stewart’s brand of “comedy” applies only to liberal-approved anti-Christian bigotry. “Come on, Jon. We dare you to prove you are an equal opportunity bigot. Your grotesque stunt displaying a Nativity scene in a vulgar manner to take a jab at Fox News is... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – Today, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell announces the media watchdog is calling upon Congress to investigate Comcast / NBC News for the intentional editing of the George Zimmerman audio that was broadcast multiple times and subsequently flamed the fires of racial hatred and animosity: “NBC is laughing at the public. Last week we said we would have more to say if their behavior in this matter didn’t change. Given their continued irresponsibility, today we open up a new front. “ To review: 1. From March 19th to March 27th, NBC used their doctored versions of the... continue reading
April 5, 2012 – The Media Research Center (MRC) is continuing to demand that Comcast investigate NBC’s recent journalistic fraud, compounded by its astonishingly arrogant and unserious “apology.” MRC President Brent Bozell has been leading the fight against NBC for maliciously and deceptively editing a tape of George Zimmerman's 9-1-1 call to further incite racial animosity in the Trayvon Martin case. Bozell’s calls for Comcast to conduct an internal investigation into NBC have registered with concerned Americans. Over 90,000 calls, e-mails, and letters have been made/delivered to Comcast board members demanding an investigation. “This is not a liberal group’s pretend... continue reading