Alexandria, VA - After capturing on camera an Occupy Wall Street protestor lashing out with an anti-Semitic tirade, the Media Research Center (MRC) is sending certified overnight letters to the Presidents of ABC News, CBS News, CNN Worldwide and NBC News demanding that their networks report racism demonstrated at the protests. Given the networks were obsessed with alleged racist smears by Tea Party members – even though uncorroborated and without a "scintilla of video or audio evidence" – MRC President Brent Bozell says the MRC's new video should be more than enough to qualify as news. "The Jews commit more... continue reading
Mr. Ben Sherwood President, ABC News 7 West 66th Street New York, NY 10023 Dear Mr. Sherwood, The news media need to be reporting on documented instances of anti-Semitism at the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement. On October 21 of this year, Media Research Center's Joe Shoffstall interviewed an OWS participant, who said: 'The Jews commit more white collar crime than any other ethnic group on the earth, and they go unprosecuted because they can buy their way out of it. When the Jew gets caught, they will pay a civil penalty. So, in America, Jews commit more white collar... continue reading
Mr. David Rhodes President and Chief Executive Officer CBS News 51 W. 52nd Street New York, NY 10019-6188 Dear Mr. Rhodes, The news media need to be reporting on documented instances of anti-Semitism at the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement. On October 21 of this year, Media Research Center's Joe Shoffstall interviewed an OWS participant, who said: 'The Jews commit more white collar crime than any other ethnic group on the earth, and they go unprosecuted because they can buy their way out of it. When the Jew gets caught, they will pay a civil penalty. So, in America, Jews... continue reading
Mr. Jim Walton President CNN One CNN Center Box 105366 Atlanta GA, 30303 Dear Mr. Walton, The news media need to be reporting on documented instances of anti-Semitism at the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement. On October 21 of this year, Media Research Center's Joe Shoffstall interviewed an OWS participant, who said: 'The Jews commit more white collar crime than any other ethnic group on the earth, and they go unprosecuted because they can buy their way out of it. When the Jew gets caught, they will pay a civil penalty. So, in America, Jews commit more white collar crime... continue reading
Mr. Steve Capus NBC News 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10112 Dear Mr. Capus, The news media need to be reporting on documented instances of anti-Semitism at the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement. On October 21 of this year, Media Research Center's Joe Shoffstall interviewed an OWS participant, who said: ' The Jews commit more white collar crime than any other ethnic group on the earth, and they go unprosecuted because they can buy their way out of it. When the Jew gets caught, they will pay a civil penalty. So, in America, Jews commit more white collar crime... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – The Media Research Center's President Brent Bozell sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner today calling on him to jumpstart Congress into stripping the government-subsidized corporation of taxpayer dollars, following the latest outrageous violation of ethics by NPR. The laundry list of offenses by NPR is long and robust , but the most recent revelation that NPR host Lisa Simeone is serving as a spokesperson for Occupy DC, the Washington-based effort of the radical Occupy Wall Street movement, has gone much too far. A quote from the letter sent by Brent Bozell to the Speaker: NPR... continue reading
The following letter was sent to Speaker of the House John Boehner on Thursday, October 20, 2011: The Honorable John A Boehner Speaker of the House US House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Mr. Speaker: Enough is enough. NPR must be defunded. It has been exposed that NPR host Lisa Simeone has been acting as a spokeswoman for the radical Occupy D.C. group 'October 2011.' Regardless of the fact that NPR has recently terminated Miss Simeone, this is an outrageous violation of NPR's so called ethics rules, which specifically state that 'NPR journalists may not participate in marches and... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds that Americans blame Washington for the country's economic turmoil much more than the target of the Occupy Wall Street protests, Wall Street and financial institutions. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell is not surprised: 'The American people see right through the liberal media's favorable spin on Occupy Wall Street. While they shamelessly coddle these clueless protesters, the public isn't buying it. Americans overwhelmingly blame Washington for the nation's economic mess and failure to address it,' Bozell stated. 'The radical protesters can't rally around a central message, purpose or goal because they... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – 'Three broadcast networks are providing virtually no coverage of the Solyndra scandal, a solar energy firm that went bankrupt after getting more than $500 million in taxpayer money from the Obama administration' which lies in direct contrast to how these same networks covered the collapse of Enron according to a new Media Research Center analysis . Since its August 31, 2011 bankruptcy filing, Solyndra was covered in only eight news stories by ABC, CBS and NBC's evening newscasts. By stark comparison, these same newscasts cranked out 198 stories on Enron, an energy company with Republican ties, in... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – Today the Media Research Center (MRC) releases a comprehensive compilation of the 20 most memorable leftist excesses of the Public Broadcasting System and National Public Radio following a proposal in the draft Fiscal Year 2012 Labor, Health and Human Services Funding Bill that would prohibit Corporation for Public Broadcasting funds to support National Public Radio (NPR), and requests a report from CPB on how to wean NPR off of federal funds by fiscal year 2014. ' Their officials claim fairness and balance, but PBS's and NPR's smugness toward the American middle class, Christians, and conservatives is documented... continue reading