Media Research Center Applauds Sen. DeMint’s & Rep. Lamborn’s Calls to “Permanently Defund Corporation for Public Broadcasting”

May 9, 2012 – Today Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell applauds Sen. Jim DeMint (R - SC) and Rep. Doug Lamborn (R - CO) for calling for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting (CPB) to be permanently defunded of taxpayer subsidies.

According to DeMint, CPB funding escalated by nearly 31 percent in 11 years and this is during a time when the United States is $15 trillion in debt. “Now is the appropriate and necessary time for the government to end taxpayer subsidies for CPB” said Demint in a letter released today to colleagues in the Senate.  Both Lamborn and DeMint stress that even President Obama’s 2010 bipartisan deficit reduction commission recommended that CPB funding be “eliminated completely.”

Bozell states:

“Good for Senator DeMint and Congressman Lamborn.  They are correct: today consumers have an endless array of news and entertainment choices and it’s the height of fiscal irresponsibility to shovel hundreds of millions of dollars at this utterly outdated concept.

“Nor should the American people be forced to pay for the CPB’s political indoctrination efforts. PBS and NPR have both consistently pushed a wildly liberal agenda through their ‘news’ programming.  The MRC has long tracked their offenses, and the evidence cannot honestly be challenged.

“The most recent example is PBS newscaster Gwen Ifill emceeing an event honoring HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for implementing ObamaCare. Ifill violated the spirit of the Public Broadcasting Act by emceeing the event.  Even the PBS Ombudsman said Ifill should have skipped the event. Yet CPB didn’t even flinch.

“We taxpayers have had enough. We pay your salaries and a majority of us firmly oppose ObamaCare. How dare you use our taxes to promote policies we find repugnant?” Bozell concluded.

Assorted MRC Highlights of CPB Lowlights:

To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Colleen Sullivan - or Hayley McConnell or call (703) 683-5004.