MRC Action is the Media Research Center’s strong and influential Grassroots Army. Comprised of hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans, MRC Action makes a powerful impact as it fights liberal media bias and stands up for American values.

MRC Action is the grassroots arm of the Media Research Center. Please consider joining our army of hundreds of thousands of activists fighting liberal media bias and participating in the active campaigns below.
Read how you can Take Action with the MRC!
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Shred the media’s credibility once and for all and make liberals stare at this great bumper sticker in traffic. Just fill out the form and select which sticker you would like to receive.
Join Our Current Campaigns!
It’s time to take action! Through our petitions and call-in campaigns, MRC Action has shown the radical leftist media the immense strength of the conservative movement and just how unstoppable we are when we work together. Sign a petition today and join thousands of freedom-loving Americans in the fight against liberal bias in the media!