ALEXANDRIA, VA – On Monday’s edition of “Martin Bashir,” MSNBC ran footage of the testimony of Neil Heslin, the father of a Sandy Hook victim, in which it appears he is heckled by gun rights activists. MSNBC’s accompanying graphics box read “Mocked and Loaded. Sandy Hook Victim’s Father Heckled by Gun Rights Advocates.” In reality, Heslin was not heckled. He posed a challenge to the audience, and the audience responded. The MSNBC version deliberately cut out Heslin’s challenge to make it appear as though he was interrupted by heckling gun advocates. This is the third time in the past year... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – On Sunday’s edition of ABC’s The Week , Martha Raddatz managed to conduct a six minute-long interview with Democratic Senator Bob Menendez without asking a single question about an FBI investigation into allegations that he slept with underage prostitutes while in the Dominican Republic. Instead Raddatz lobbed softball questions at Menendez about Sec. Hillary Clinton’s performance during the Benghazi hearings, immigration reform, Chuck Hagel, and the upcoming Senate race in New Jersey. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts: “If there were even a whisper that a Republican Senator had been sleeping with underage prostitutes, the very... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – The Media Research Center (MRC) is proud to announce the Best Notable Quotables of 2012: The 25th Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting with MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry taking home the “Quote of the Year” honor. This year’s winners were selected by a distinguished panel of radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, columnists, editorial writers, and expert media observers. Although challenged by perennial favorite and eternal gasbag, Chris Matthews, Harris-Perry’s underdog victory should send a thrill up any media observer’s leg. Harris-Perry delivered her award-winning Notable Quotable on the July 1 edition of her eponymous MSNBC... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – ABC, CBS, and NBC have suppressed news coverage of violent assaults perpetrated by union thugs in Michigan on Tuesday. The networks deliberately ignored widely available footage of Fox News Contributor Steven Crowder being punched in the face by a union member and union protesters tearing down a tent erected by Americans for Prosperity while people were still inside. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts: The pro-union broadcast networks are deliberately censoring footage of thuggish union violence directed at conservatives. If a Tea Partier had physically assaulted a liberal journalist or ripped down a structure occupied by... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – ABC World News with Diane Sawyer continues to tout the Obama Administration’s spin that tax hikes on the wealthy are the only solution to the looming “fiscal cliff” catastrophe. According to an analysis from the Media Research Center’s Business and Media Institute, in the three weeks following President Obama’s re-election, World News devoted more than 10 minutes 18 seconds to talk of tax hikes and just 35 seconds to spending cuts (a 17-1 margin). NBC Nightly News discussed taxes more than twice as often as spending (4 minutes 23 seconds to 1 minute 47 seconds.), while CBS... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Following the re-election of Barack Obama, the liberal media are shamelessly using his win over moderate Mitt Romney to scare the GOP away from re-embracing its winning conservative message. As documented by the Media Research Center, the corrupt media are seizing on Obama’s victory to discredit and attack conservatives, the Tea Party, and Rush Limbaugh in a blatant attempt to splinter the Republican Party and its conservative base: ■ ABC’s Barbara Walters assailed the GOP for being “behind” on social issues. ■ The Washington Post went on a mission to look for right-wingers who plan to buy... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - For the seventh night in a row, ABC’s World News , CBS Evening News , and NBC Nightly News refused to give one single second of coverage to the Obama administration’s deceitful response to the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on September 11. According to the Media Research Center, the last time Benghazi was discussed on one of the flagship network evening news casts was the October 25 edition of CBS Evening News . Since then, ABC News and CBS News have relegated coverage of the Benghazi terrorist attack to their websites. Jake Tapper’s... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – For the sixth night in a row, ABC World News , CBS Evening News , and NBC Nightly News refused to give one single second of coverage to a Fox News report that the Obama Administration denied help to those attacked and killed by terrorists at the US consulate in Benghazi on September 11. According to a Media Research Center analysis, ABC, CBS, and NBC have failed to cover this devastating story - not to confirm it, not to knock it down, and never mind do their own investigation. The story broke last Friday, long before Hurricane... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Media Research Center is calling on The National Geographic Channel to delay the airing of “SEAL Team Six: the Raid on Osama bin Laden” until after Election Day. The documentary is currently scheduled to premiere in prime-time on Sunday, November 4, two days before voters head to the polls to decide the 2012 Presidential Election. One of the companies behind “SEAL Team Six” is The Weinstein Company, co-chaired by Harvey Weinstein, a major donor to the Democratic Party and long-time fundraiser for Barack Obama. According to a report in the liberal New York Times , President... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA , VA –, the blog of the Media Research Center ’s (MRC) News Analysis Division, has passed the 1,000,000 “fans” milestone on Facebook. In fact, NewsBusters is the only conservative blog with over 1,000,000 fans. The achievement comes as Americans’ trust in traditional media has hit an all-time low according to Gallup. With more than 1,000,000 fans, NewsBusters now finds itself in elite company, joining, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck as one of few conservative media outlets to reach a seven figure fandom on the world’s largest social network. Of that group, NewsBusters often has the highest total... continue reading