Alexandria, VA – Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued a letter to the heads of NBC, CBS, and ABC television networks calling on them to end their bias against GOP Presidential hopefuls in their reporting and interviewing. The MRC has just released an analysis of all 53 weekday morning show interviews with either potential or declared Republican candidates from January 1 through September 15, and compared the results with our study of the same programs' treatment of the Democratic candidates during the same time period from four years ago. The analysis revealed, among other things, that by a... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – On the heels of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announcing it is erasing the Fairness Doctrine , Media Research Center President Brent Bozell criticized the move as incomplete: 'The FCC deserves a one-handed round of applause for this move. Years ago, striking the Censorship Doctrine – and that's exactly what the Fairness Doctrine was – would have actually meant something. But since the FCC started playing with policies of 'localism,' 'media diversity' and a nebulous requirement to 'serve the public interest,' with yet another unelected and unconfirmed ' Diversity Czar ' to implement these proposed regulations, the... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – After Senator John Kerry took several vicious swipes at conservatives – on Sunday blaming the Tea Party for the Standard and Poor (S&P) downgrade and last week griping that the media should not give the Tea Party 'equal time or equal balance,' Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following call to action: 'John Kerry is on a crusade to destroy the Tea Party. To blame the Tea Party for the S&P downgrade is like blaming the Betty Ford Clinic for alcoholism. The entire existence of the Tea Party movement has been based on an attempt... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - A Media Research Center analysis of how NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN are covering the endless polling regarding the debt ceiling debate finds that the networks are ignoring the public's opposition to an increased debt ceiling – even when it's documented by their own polls. CBS's poll showed that 49% of the public opposes raising the debt ceiling, and NBC's poll showed 43%. But neither network reported these findings. ABC neither asked this question nor reported on the public opinion of raising the debt ceiling, instead focusing their coverage on blaming Republicans for potential economic trouble. CNN... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – 'At least five MSNBC anchors since Tuesday have promoted a cherry-picked House Democratic Caucus video that distorts President Ronald Reagan's position on the debt ceiling, inaccurately asserting that President Barack Obama is more in line with Reagan than the Republicans,' according to a new Media Research Center (MRC) analysis . 'If any of the anchors had played the entirety of Reagan's 1987 radio address, instead of giving free air time to the Democratic Party's deceptively edited spot, they would have heard Reagan articulate a position on the debt ceiling almost identical to House Republicans' and nearly opposite... continue reading
Alexandria, VA – Media Research Center President Brent Bozell denounced the broadcast networks for wasting their time with attention on the undercover 'investigation' by a gay activist into the Christian clinic run by Representative Michele Bachmann's husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann: 'The broadcast networks are guilty of giving undeserved credibility and attention to a story that is stupid and silly. There are numerous times when these same networks chose to ignore serious issues that actually put people's lives at risk. 'This Bachmann hit piece was reported by ABC World News and ABC's Nightline last night and perpetuated by ABC's Good Morning... continue reading
Dan Gainor, VP of Business & Culture at the Media Research Center, issued the following statement and call to action for religious leaders and people of faith around the country: 'NBC has unquestionably committed an act of religious bigotry designed to offend Christians. Removing the words ' under God ' from the Pledge of Allegiance in a piece they aired yesterday during the U.S. Open – not once, but twice – was absolutely not accidental. It was brazenly deliberate. NBC's pathetic apology did nothing but compound the offense by refusing to admit what they had done. Either NBC identifies and... continue reading
MRC President Brent Bozell had the following reaction to MSNBC host Ed Schultz's May 25 apology to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham: "His apology was full, unequivocal and a breath a fresh air. We wish Ed would have shown the same remorse when saying we should 'rip out' Dick Cheney's heart , when he called Liz Cheney "shooter's little girl," or when he said Republicans enjoyed watching people with cancer die . MSNBC should have demanded apologies for the litany of offenses in Ed's past." For more, see the May 26 BiasAlert : "After Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham a... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell denounces CNN for allowing the host of their "flagship international affairs program" to meet with President Obama on issues of foreign policy that affect the United States, issues that reporter Fareed Zakaria is charged with reporting objectively. According to Bozell, Zakaria's admission warrants an immediate recusal from reporting on these issues: "The President's secret meetings with Zakaria - the same reporter who openly used a CNN network broadcast to promote Obama in 2008 - show a clear and disturbing double standard at CNN. "For decades, the liberal media have repeatedly condemned... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - The Media Research Center (MRC) today proudly announces that Ed Schultz is the "Winner" of the dis-honor of Quote of the Year for his "Damn Those Conservatives" diatribe on his MSNBC The Ed Show (video below): "The Republicans lie! They want to see you dead! They'd rather make money off your dead corpse! They kind of like it when that woman has cancer and they don't have anything for her." The competition was fierce, but Mr. Schultz was selected by the more than 850 attendees who cheered and jeered throughout the evening to roast the liberal media's... continue reading