ALEXANDRIA, VA – According to the Media Research Center, the liberal media conducted a vicious, months-long campaign of divisive race–baiting that smeared George Zimmerman as a racist and is fueling the racial turmoil in the wake of his acquittal. Here are just a few examples of race baiting in the months prior to the trial: For a full week in March 2012, NBC News ran audio tape of George Zimmerman’s 911 call before the shooting – that tape is now the subject of a defamation lawsuit against NBC for its allegedly deceptive editing to make Zimmerman sound racist. ”The AP,... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – At least five major bombshell revelations emerged yesterday during the House Oversight Committee’s hearing on the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya: 1. According to the deputy chief of mission in Libya, a four-man commando team in Tripoli was denied permission to go to Benghazi and help those under siege. The administration’s response that there wasn’t enough time is ludicrous given no one knew how long the attacks would last. 2. Mark Thompson testified that the FEST anti-terrorist team wasn’t sent in because conditions on the ground were too dangerous. Yet this is exactly what... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Last night, NBC Nightly News finally broke the broadcast networks’ six-week evening news blackout of the Kermit Gosnell murder trial, even as ABC’s and CBS’s evening newscasts continued their silence. Instead of reporting the whole story, however, NBC heavily censored their description of Gosnell’s alleged crimes to hide the horrors of abortion. According to the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute, NBC reporter Stephanie Gosk claimed that Gosnell’s alleged crimes are “too gruesome” to be discussed on-air, but that hasn’t stopped NBC News from explicitly describing other murders in gory detail: ■ On the June 25,... continue reading
Although the bombing of the Boston Marathon rightfully commanded much of the media's attention last week, the Big Three broadcast networks still found time for a host of superficial and inconsequential "news" stories while continuing to censor the horrific details of abortionist Kermit Gosnell's murder trial in Philadelphia. According to a new analysis from the Media Research Center's Culture and Media Institute, Disney-owned ABC's total blackout on both Good Morning America and World News continues. NBC asked one single question during a pre-taped interview with President Obama on Wednesday's Today , which he evaded with no follow-up. Only CBS gave... continue reading
Over twenty prominent leaders of the conservative movement have joined Media Research Center President Brent Bozell in demanding the broadcast networks stop censoring coverage of the trial of Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell and the testimony of the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates in favor of murdering children who survive botched abortions. Although abortion has re-entered the news cycle following the passage of pro-life measures in North Dakota and Arkansas, the MRC’s Culture and Media Institute finds that ABC, CBS, and NBC have completely censored both of these outrageous stories: Since the Gosnell trial began three weeks ago, ABC,... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – According to a new Media Research Center report , ABC, CBS, and NBC are refusing to report Democratic Sen. Harry Reid’s indefensible implication on the Senate floor yesterday that tiny sequester cuts led to the accidental deaths of seven U.S. Marines in Hawthorne, Nevada. ABC's World News and Good Morning America , NBC's Nightly News and Today , and CBS’s Evening News and This Morning didn’t give Reid’s despicable remarks one single second of coverage on their Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning broadcasts. covered the story, but spun what Reid said in order to defend him... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – As reported by NewsBusters, on Monday the Pew Research Center released a devastating study confirming that MSNBC is not a news network. According to its sample from 2012, MSNBC only committed 15% of its airtime to straight news while 85% was dedicated to its oppressive brand of leftist commentary. By comparison, CNN and Fox News dedicated 54% and 45% of their airtime respectively to straight news coverage. According to a separate report by Forbes, MSNBC also spends, by far, the least on its hard news reporting. The frugal peacock network shelled out a measly $240 million in... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – In spite of the dishonest, over-the-top fear-mongering perpetrated by the Obama Administration and its willing friends in the liberal media, the sky did not fall on Friday. Media Research Center analysts reviewed all of the 88 sequestration stories that ran on ABC, CBS and NBC during the two-week period between February 14 and March 1 when the “cuts” took effect. They found that 58 (66%) of them advanced the most hysterical Obama administration talking points without any hint of skepticism. Some of the most outrageous examples include: On CBS This Morning (March 1) co-host Charlie Rose raised... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Over Presidents’ Day weekend, five massive Media Research Center (MRC) billboards totaling 3,800 square feet were erected in New York City at the corner 7 th Ave. and 48 th Street, only footsteps away from Times Square. The advertisements, featuring the “It’s time the liberal media stop censoring the news!” motto, are the largest ad buy in the MRC’s 26-year history, and will tower over the intersection for several weeks. The boards, which are valued at $230,000, will generate 1.4 million “eyes on impressions” (not including foot traffic) per week. A similar but smaller billboard display generated... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – According to an analysis by the Media Research Center , the three broadcast networks are using the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI to advance their left-wing social agenda and attack the Catholic Church’s centuries-old doctrine on the priesthood, abortion, and gay marriage. While NBC Nightly News and CBS Evening News predictably dwelled on scandals and the Pope’s “conservatism,” their anti-Catholic coverage paled in comparison to the disgraceful onslaught on ABC World News . During last night’s ABC World News broadcast: In an interview with New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Diane Sawyer asked if the, “burden of what... continue reading