May 3, 2012 - NBC
has quietly fired Today show correspondent Lilia Luciano for yet another
misleading edit to George Zimmerman’s 9-1-1 call. Both edits were clearly meant to inflame
racial tensions; both clearly distorted the picture. Although NBC has claimed
to be conducting an internal investigation into the fraudulent edits, and by
their firings are clearly acknowledging the wrongdoing, astonishingly they continue
to refuse to apologize on-air to their viewers for their repeated journalistic
refusal to apologize to the very audience they
deceived. The latest firing confirms this.
Bozell stated:
“Another head has
rolled behind NBC’s iron curtain as the troubled, so-called ‘news’ network
continues to drop the guillotine on those responsible for the deliberately
misleading edits to Zimmerman’s 9-1-1 call.
NBC has now fired three people from two different already volatile situation. This latest firing from NBC once again goes
unexplained. NBC’s actions vindicate the
The truth has been withheld
from NBC’s own viewers now for more than one month. Do the network executives at NBC think that
this is acceptable? What about the board and shareholders of Comcast? Is it acceptable for a news organization to consciously and constantly lie to its viewers?
Despite Steve Capus, NBC
News president, admitting they "probably" should have apologized
on-air, NBC still has yet to do so. Even the local NBC affiliate that doctored
the clip has fired the offender and apologized and retracted on-air.
Many questions are
left unanswered and NBC will be held accountable for its actions. Own up to your dishonesty, NBC; tell your
audience the truth for once and for all.”
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Colleen Sullivan - or Hayley McConnell or call (703) 683-5004.