Press Releases

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Amidst ongoing riots in Cairo and Yemen, and a deadly attack in Libya, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney leveled a devastating critique of the Obama Administration for initially siding with the protesters in Cairo. Realizing how damaging the Obama Administration’s mistake was, the liberal media turned on Romney, demanding he declare that his campaign had reacted too swiftly and rudely in the wake of this terrible crisis. NBC’s Chuck Todd kicked things off at the top of MSNBC’s Daily Rundown stating that Romney’s, “statement looks crass and tone deaf in the light of this day.” CNN’s and... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – For decades the liberal media have enjoyed poking fun at conservative politicians for their public gaffes, real or imagined. Dan Quayle, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin -- these are just a few of the many conservatives parodied by the press. Vice-President Joe Biden is set to address the Democratic National Convention Wednesday evening. There will be many interviews conducted with him during this time. So in the interest of fair play -- the news media are fair, aren't they? -- the Media Research Center has compiled a list of ten questions the media should pose to... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Following Missouri Congressman Todd Akin’s now infamous remarks about rape and abortion on Monday, the liberal media raced to nationalize the ensuing controversy in an attempt to damage presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. In total, the three news networks – ABC, CBS, and NBC – gave Akin’s gaffe four times the coverage they gave to Vice President Joe Biden’s overtly racist comments last week in Virginia when he told a substantially black audience that a Romney administration would, “put y’all back in chains.” The obsession with Akin gave the liberal media yet another contrived excuse to... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Late yesterday morning, an armed LGBT activist allegedly opened fire at the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters in Washington, DC with the intent to kill FRC staffers. He was subdued by a heroic FRC security officer who was shot in the arm by the alleged gunman. The FBI has classified the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism. Neither NBC Nightly News nor CBS Evening News produced a full story on the FRC shooting, instead committing only 17 and 20 seconds respectively for anchor briefs that omitted the shooter’s motive. Only ABC World News produced a full... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - A vile new attack ad from Obama Super PAC Priorities USA that blames Mitt Romney for the death of a woman from cancer has been floating around virally for nearly a week. On Tuesday, CNN thoroughly eviscerated the ad as “not accurate” and, in Wolf Blitzer’s words, “full of falsehoods,” For two full days, ABC, CBS and NBC committed a combined ZERO seconds of coverage on their evening news broadcasts. ABC World News finally acknowledged the ad last night, but both NBC Nightly News and CBS Evening News continue to ignore the story. Instead the networks have... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Through the coalition of Citizens Against Religious Bigotry (CARB), more than 20 conservative leaders have joined Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell in raising their voices in support of religious freedom and our Constitutionally protected right to free speech. The controversy over Chick-fil-A exposed the rampant anti-Christian bias and First Amendment double standard characteristic of liberal media. What began with Chick-fil-A President and COO Dan Cathy’s unremarkable comments affirming his family’s belief in the traditional definition of marriage swiftly and loudly escalated into a contrived culture war fueled by the liberal media: 1. On Wednesday, August... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. --- The Media Research Center has released a new analysis of the 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland between July 25 and July 31. The report’s findings are absolutely staggering. 18 of the 21 stories emphasized Romney’s perceived gaffes. That’s 86%! Their analysis also found that: - NBC and CBS savaged Romney for an innocuous remark about London’s readiness for the Games following security issues widely reported by those same networks. The comment was so unremarkable that NBC cut it out of their original... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding the official split between Microsoft and Microsoft’s ill-advised marriage of convenience to NBC News has finally landed in divorce court, and it couldn’t have happened soon enough. Like any marriage built on a lie – in this case that MSNBC would be a legitimate news organization – it was doomed to fail. The MSNBC brand is a tumor, corrupting everything it touches, and it’s good to see that Microsoft is finally cutting it off. Even though Microsoft untethered itself from MSNBC TV in 2005, continue reading
June 13, 2012 Mr. Brian L. Roberts Chairman Comcast Corporation Dear Chairman Roberts: The Star-Spangled Banner evokes feelings of pride and patriotism in most Americans. But not in Bill Press, who slurred our National Anthem as an “abomination.” The Current TV host hates the National Anthem so much that he is “embarrassed” every time he hears it. Comcast owns a ten percent stake of Current's parent company, Current Media LLC. As a major stakeholder in a company that employs Bill Press, I haven’t read or heard where you have condemned Bill Press for his hateful, offensive and unpatriotic slurring of... continue reading
June 13, 2012 The Honorable Al Gore Chairman Current Media Cc: Mr. Joel Hyatt Chief Executive Officer Current Media Dear Mr. Gore: The Star-Spangled Banner evokes feelings of pride and patriotism in most Americans. But not in Bill Press, who slurred our National Anthem as an “abomination.” The Current TV host hates the National Anthem so much that he is “embarrassed” every time he hears it. As a former Vice President and Bill Press’s current employer, I haven’t read or heard where you have condemned Bill Press for his hateful, offensive and unpatriotic slurring of The Star-Spangled Banner . As... continue reading