ALEXANDRIA, Va. CBS News continued its domination of the most liberal and outrageous media coverage of 2005. Three of the networks stars were either winners or runners-up in The Best Notable Quotables of 2005, the 18 th Annual Awards for the Years Worst Reporting. The awards were determined by a panel of 52 judges made up of editorial writers, columnists, radio talk show hosts and political commentators. To see all the award-winning quotes visit . Audio is also available for most quote winners. Highlights From The Best Notable Quotables Of 2005 Quote of the Year: Former 60 Minutes producer... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va.Next Monday (12.19.05), the Media Research Center will release its annual report detailing the most outrageous and/or humorous liberal media quotes of 2005. WHAT: The Best Notable Quotables of 2005, The 18th Annual Awards for the Years Worst Reporting , selected by a national panel of more than 50 judges including syndicated columnists, radio talk show hosts, editorial writers and editorial page editors. WHEN: In addition to next Mondays release, the report will be posted on MRCs web site the same day ( ). Audio of all the winning quotes will be available as well online. WHO: Available... continue reading
Sam Alitos nomination to the Supreme Court has pushed the medias anti-Catholic button, and yet as the record of Justice Anthony Kennedy, a Catholic, shows, such anti-religious labeling is unnecessary, said Media Research Center President Brent Bozell in a statement released today. For instance, the Associated Presss headline over reporter Rachel Zolls story reads: Alito Would Tip Court To Catholics. Substitute the word Jews or Blacks for Catholics and it would spark cries of outrage. Likewise, a report by National Public Radios Dahlia Lithwick is just as insidious, said Bozell. She reported that people are very, very much talking about... continue reading
Alexandria, VA A new study released today by the Media Research Center, TVs Bad News Brigade, reveals the three commercial network nightly news broadcasts have been overwhelmingly biased in their coverage of Iraq. The MRC analyzed all broadcasts of ABCs World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News, and the CBS Evening News from January 1 through September 30 and found 61 percent of the stories were negative or pessimistic while only 15 percent of the stories were positive or optimistic a four-to-one ratio. The trend in coverage has also become increasingly negative during 2005, with pessimistic stories rising to nearly three-fourths... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. - In an amazing leap of illogic and an exercise in poor journalism, AP writers Tom Coyne and Ashley Heher brand Supreme Court nominee John Roberts a possible racist because he grew up in a town that banned the sale of homes to blacks and Jews. "[T]he exclusive lakefront community where Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. grew up during the racially turbulent 1960s and '70s once banned the sale of homes to nonwhites and Jews. Just three miles from the nearly all-white community of Long Beach, two days of looting and vandalism erupted when Roberts was... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Center, today blasted the major liberal news media for refusing to cover the Air America radio network scandal. Air America, launched in 2004 with much media fanfare as a liberal alternative to conservative talk radio received $875,000 in loans from financially-strapped kids charities, which are now bankrupt. Yet now the same liberal media arent saying much of anything, even though the scandal broke three weeks ago. Highlights of this media double standard include the following: Two-and-a-half weeks after the story broke, the New York Times published one bland story, inside the... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell assailed the New York Times today for a three-week blackout of the mounting Air America scandal, a national issue involving a national radio network. The Times , which splashed Air Americas Al Franken on the cover of its magazine when the network launched last year, has buried coverage of the liberal radio networks receiving questionable loans (almost $900,000) from financially struggling childrens charities on whose boards the former chairman of Air America sat. With this scandal, the Times has only run a small story with a misleading headline published in its regional... continue reading
The following is a statement from L. Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Center: All the media outlets that trumpeted and championed the launch of the liberal talk-radio network Air America are silent as it finds itself awash in a mushrooming scandal. The chairman of Air America, Evan Montvel Cohen, arranged for one of the loans when he was also the development director for the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club. Both the Boys and Girls club and another childrens charity, Pathways for Youth, have since gone bankrupt after loaning Air America close to $900,000. Where are the stories... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The Media Research Center today launched its new blog, , joining forces with the creators of the influential Web site, Matthew Sheffield and Greg Sheffield. will provide immediate exposure of liberal media bias, insightful analysis, constructive criticism, and timely corrections to news media reporting while also providing readers the opportunity to take part and be interactive. Like the Media Research Center, in many ways the blogosphere is a reaction to the liberal bias in the media. Its impact was felt heavily in the 2004 election. We welcome the opportunity to participate, using our experience and... continue reading
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding the Public Broadcasting Systems production and airing of TV commercials nationwide that call on viewers to lobby Congress for more PBS funding. Now that PBSs overwhelming liberal bias is well-documented and under the microscope, Congress has wisely decided to cut PBSs funding. In defiance of Congress, PBS, using taxpayers money, has produced and is airing highly deceptive TV commercials that warn about threats to children and Clifford the Red Dog, said Mr. Bozell. This is outrageous, and is one more example of how far liberal media... continue reading