Press Releases

Alexandria, VA In an interview with Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room , Second Lady Lynne Cheney confronted and challenged Mr. Blitzer to explain why CNN broadcast a terrorist propaganda video of American troops being hunted and killed, disguising it as reporting the news. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell applauded Mrs. Cheneys overdue action and called on all conservatives to hold the liberal media to account at all times. The Media Research Center applauds Lynne Cheney for confronting CNNs outrageous broadcasting of terrorist propaganda just prior to mid-term elections, stated Brent Bozell. We need more conservatives to help hold... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The Media Research President Brent Bozell blasted ABC for running a largely sentimental, softball interview of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi - a piece capped on Thursdays World News by reporter Claire Shipman who, doe-eyed, pondered whether the congresswoman daydreams about being Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This is in stark contrast to the hardball, antagonistic, and blistering coverage the network had given potential House Speaker Newt Gingrich in 1994. ABCs pining over the liberal Nancy Pelosi as the possible next Speaker of the House is a clear double standard and one more example of how the... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The Media Research Center President Brent Bozell criticized NBCs Today show for floating a conspiracy theory that the GOP is manipulating gas prices to influence the election - a ludicrous idea for which NBC has no evidence and no facts and yet makes the theory into news in its Oct. 25 broadcast. The Today show has once again led viewers astray by indulging in leftist paranoia about falling gas prices, said Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center. Its ludicrous to accuse the Bush administration of manipulating prices especially when the only source of opinion to back... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Media Research Center President Brent Bozell announced today his support for the request by Representative Duncan Hunter and several other congressmen, in their letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, to remove CNN from the military embedding program for reporters a step prompted by CNNs decision to acquire and broadcast a propaganda video of terrorist snipers stalking and killing U.S. soldiers in Iraq. CNNs broadcast of a terrorist propaganda video, which is nothing more than a terrorist snuff film, is deplorable and revolting, said MRC President Brent Bozell. American soldiers are fighting and dying in Iraq to help win... continue reading
Alexandria, VA As the November election nears, the TV networks ABC, CBS, NBC have given glowing, largely uncritical coverage to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who would become Speaker of the House if the Democrats win enough congressional seats. This positive coverage is in stark contrast to how the networks treated would-be Speaker Newt Gingrich and the GOP in 1994. And it further confirms the liberal media bias of the networks, as detailed in a report released today by the Media Research Center, T V News Gives Free Ride to Speaker Pelosi. The report is based on an analysis of... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The Media Research Center announced today the establishment of a new, unique program, the Culture & Media Institute (CMI). The mission of CMI is to advance, preserve, and help restore Americas culture, character, traditional values, and morals against the assault of the liberal media. CMIs director is Robert Knight, a veteran newsman and long-time culture analyst. Concerning the Culture & Media Institute, MRC President Brent Bozell said: Our new division will focus on the medias relentless assault on faith, traditional values and personal responsibility. Were putting together a team to expose how the media undermine the American character... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Air America, the liberal alternative to conservative talk radio, was launched in March 2004 with much fanfare. On Friday, the Associated Press reported that the fledgling network would file for bankruptcy, an inglorious end long-predicted by Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell. In light of Air Americas pending bankruptcy filing, Mr. Brent Bozell issued the following statement: Air Americas bankruptcy of cash flow began long ago with its bankruptcy of liberal ideas. It took less than three years to prove what conservatives have long predicted: The American people wont buy their propaganda and have rejected the network... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The network news media are aggressively promoting the Mark Foley scandal to keep the issue alive as the November elections approach. ABC reporter Jake Tapper says, This is the scandal that will not go away. The issue will not go away because, as a new Media Research Center report documents, the morning and evening news shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC have, over the last 12 days, aired more than 150 stories on Foley. Yet when Democratic Rep. Mel Reynolds had sexual relations with a 16-year-old campaign worker, conspired to have sex with the workers 15-year-old friend, solicited... continue reading
Alexandria, VA In the fallout of the scandal involving Rep. Mark Foley, who has appropriately resigned from his congressional seat, there have been calls for the immediate resignation of House Speaker Dennis Hastert a demand that the top media have constantly repeated. In response to the media-fueled calls for Speaker Hastert to step down, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement: We do not have all the facts. The Foley scandal broke five days ago, although newspapers and other media apparently knew about the scandal for at least a year and did not report it until now... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Pope Benedict XVI apologized after a quote from a speech he gave last week offended many Muslims. But that did not quell violent Muslim demonstrations and public calls to kill the Pope. Some of the top media, in turn, have indirectly blamed the Pope for the violence and urged him to do more to heal the pain he has supposedly caused, as the New York Times has editorialized. In reaction to the top medias jaundiced coverage of this issue, MRC President Brent Bozell issued the following statement: The liberal media have bowed to radical Islam. Their double standard... continue reading