ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today announced a $2.8 million campaign, Tell the Truth! 04 , to reach 50 million Americans every week between now and the end of the year with evidence of the liberal bias permeating the media. This unprecedented campaign will reach 50 million people every week through a multitude of outlets. The public will be informed as to the medias liberal bias as never before, Bozell said. Day after day, night after night, the news media question, denounce, or just plain ignore the good news. They want higher taxes to fund massive... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- In a just released special report, RONALD REAGAN The 40th President and the Press: The Record , the Media Research Center reveals how the national medias glowing coverage of President Ronald Reagans death and funeral is completely at odds with how they covered him both during and after his presidency. The national medias often gracious coverage in the days after Reagans death obscured the unfortunate historical record of media coverage: a chronicle often filled with not just disagreement, but with disgust, hatred, ridicule, and insults, said Media Research Center President Brent Bozell. Key Findings Reagan the Man:... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- On the eve of a three-day obesity summit co-sponsored by ABC News and Time magazine, the Free Market Project at the Media Research Center released a comprehensive study of the medias coverage of the obesity issue and the food industry titled Supersized Bias: Big Medias Role In Covering And Promoting The Obesity Debate . Free Market Project researchers analyzed all 205 news stories about obesity published in The New York Times , USA Today , and aired on the three broadcast network evening newscasts and nighttime magazine shows between May 1, 2003 and April 30, 2004. Our... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- The Media Research Center today released findings from a new study of how network television news covers religion. The study found coverage has increased significantly since the MRCs first religion study was conducted ten years ago, but the tone of the coverage is very negative and most stories are aired in the context of political issues. Religious stories are more prevalent but the prevailing attitude at the networks seems to be its only a good story if it casts faith in a negative light, or if it evokes a political controversy, said Brent Bozell, president of the... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today blasted CBS News, and CBS Evening News Anchor Dan Rather, for spiking a CBS poll which showed President Bush leading Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. Previous CBS polls showing Kerry ahead of Bush were reported faithfully by the Evening News broadcast. If the CBS Evening News cannot report in a fair and balanced fashion about this election they need to get out of the news business. The networks own web site carried the results of the poll with the headline Bush Moves Ahead of Kerry, but the CBS Evening Newss... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- A year-long study of the national media released today by the Media Research Center titled Still Liberal, Still Biased finds that the national media were as liberally biased as ever in 2003. As a new election year begins, the news organizations that truly dominate the media landscape such as the Big Three networks and influential newspapers such as the New York Times remain what they have been for decades: allies of liberalism and enemies of conservative policies, said Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center. The Al Frankens and Eric Altermans of the world made a... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell is issuing a $1 million challenge to NBC and NBC Nightly News Anchor Tom Brokaw, calling Brokaw on his comments made in a recent interview with Columbia Journalism Review . In the interview, Brokaw directly took on Bozell and the Media Research Center while denying the credibility of their evidence of liberal bias in the press. Among other things, Brokaw said: What I get tired of is Brent Bozell trying to make these fine legal points everywhere every day. A lot of it just doesnt hold up. So much of it... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- A Boston Globe Magazine reporters callous comment has won this years Quote of the Year in the Media Research Centers The Best Notable Quotables of 2003, The 16th Annual Awards For The Years Worst Reporting . The winning quote was selected by a nationwide panel of more than 40 editors, editorial writers, columnists, media critics, authors and talk show hosts, who also selected winners in 16 other categories. The Quote of the Year is included below, as are several category winners. To read the entire Best of NQ 2003 , go to . Quote of the... continue reading
Statement by Brent Bozell, President, Media Research Center: ABC News both TV and radio is stooping to new lows of ridiculous pessimism in the aftermath of Saddam Husseins capture by American forces. This network sounds like a homegrown version of al-Jazeera, highlighting every negative development and submerging every positive development in waves of yes-buts, so-whats, and blatant omissions. Within an hour of the Saddam story breaking, ABCs Terry Moran was emphasizing how a trial of the Iraqi dictator would be 'embarrassing' for America. Yesterday, Charles Gibson repeated the U.S. embarrassment line, since we supported him for so long and gave... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Next Wednesday, December 17, the Media Research Center will announce The Best Notable Quotables of 2003, The 16th Annual Awards for the Years Worst Reporting . The winners will be selected by a national panel of more than 40 judges and the results will be posted on the Media Research Center website ( ) on the 17th. Awards will be presented in the following 16 categories. Baghdad Bob Award for Parroting Enemy Propaganda Dominique de Villepin Snottiness Award for Whining About The War Pompous Peter Award for Jennings' Arrogant Condescension Romanticizing the Rabble Award (For Glorifying... continue reading