Alexandria, VA Air America, the liberal alternative to conservative talk radio, was launched in March 2004 with much fanfare. This week, it was reported that the fledgling network would file for bankruptcy, an inglorious end long-predicted by Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell. In reaction to the news of Air Americas pending bankruptcy filing, Mr. Brent Bozell issued the following statement: Air Americas bankruptcy of cash flow began long ago with its bankruptcy of liberal ideas. It took less than three years to prove what conservatives have long predicted: The American people wont buy their propaganda and have rejected... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The Media Research Center today released a study documenting how ABC, CBS, and NBC have presumed the worst about government anti-terror efforts since Sept.11, 2001 and allowed leftist politics to skew their coverage of NSA surveillance, the Patriot Act, and Guantanamo inmates. The coverage overall makes government anti-terror tactics look as frightening as terrorism itself. MRC analysts examined all 496 evening news stories on ABC, CBS and NBC about these three major elements of the post-9/11 war on terrorism from September 11, 2001 through August 31, 2006 for the Special Report, The Media vs. The War on Terror... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The Media Research Center today released a new report documenting the lengthy record of liberal bias that Katie Couric brings to CBS as she prepares to replace the disgraced Dan Rather as permanent anchor of the CBS Evening News next week. The MRCs 21-page Special Report, Meet the Real Katie Couric , demonstrates how Couric pushed a liberal political agenda during her 15 years as co-host of NBCs Today . Ridding itself of Dan Rather, CBS had the perfect opportunity to regain the credibility and ratings it lost by his soapbox reporting, said MRC President L. Brent Bozell... continue reading
Alexandria, VA A new Media Research Center study released today shows that for this past springs extensive coverage of illegal immigration, the broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC largely portrayed illegals and their lobbyists as heroic and deserving of support while proponents of secure borders were portrayed as harsh and hard line. This spin defies polls showing upwards of 90 percent of Americans view illegal immigration as a serious problem. This blatant disconnect between the views of the American people and the elite media, as well as the administration, on the issue of illegal immigration is startling and fully detailed... continue reading
Alexandria, VA After insulting his employers and others at the NFL Network through another program, HBOs Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, former NBC reporter Bryant Gumbel may now be fired, according to the Aug. 22 Washington Post . Outgoing NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue noted that things Gumbel said about Gene Upshaw and the [NFL] owners are about as uninformed as anything Ive read or heard in a long, long time and quite inexcusable because they are subjects about which you can and should be better informed. Concerning this, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said: Bryant Gumbel has a long... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Air America , the liberal alternative to conservative talk radio, is moving from WLIB (1190AM) in New York to the even smaller and weaker station WWRL (1600AM), making it harder for the low-ratings program to be heard. Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center, issued the following statement about Air America s imminent collapse: Air America s failure is further proof that liberalism does not sell in the marketplace, Bozell said. Failure in New York City the epicenter of intellectual liberalism means, to paraphrase Frank Sinatra, if you cant make it there you cant make... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Upon previewing the upcoming Paramount Pictures film, World Trade Center, Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center issued the following statement: World Trade Center is a masterpiece and must be seen by as many people as possible. Oliver Stone has created something spectacular and it deserves our nations gratitude. Conservatives and liberals will praise this movie. For just a few hours following the attacks of September 11th, political ideologies fell by the wayside, Bozell continued. Americans came together for a rare moment to recognize the significance and fragility of life and liberty. This film captures that moment in... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Yesterday, the New York Court of Appeals and the Georgia Supreme Court issued rulings striking down gay marriage, making it an issue that state legislatures and the American people must decide. In response, the liberal media are spinning their coverage to present a distorted and pro-gay analysis of the issue, much in contrast to the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose gay marriage. Top media such as the New York Times , USA Today , and the Washington Post , among others, have relied heavily on pro-gay sources and pro-gay reactions to continue distorting the reality of the... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Since publishing a highly controversial story about a secret U.S. program that monitors financial transactions as a tool to fight terrorism, New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller has defended the newspapers actions, claiming that one mans breach of security is another mans public relations. Mr. Keller has also now admitted that the liberal press is not neutral in this war on terror. Indeed, the track record proves that the New York Times and Bill Keller are not neutral but grossly biased against the U.S.-led war against terrorism. And now, thanks to their liberal biases, the NYT s... continue reading