The following is a statement from L. Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Center:
All the media outlets that trumpeted and championed the launch of the liberal talk-radio network Air America are silent as it finds itself awash in a mushrooming scandal. The chairman of Air America, Evan Montvel Cohen, arranged for one of the loans when he was also the development director for the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club. Both the Boys and Girls club and another childrens charity, Pathways for Youth, have since gone bankrupt after loaning Air America close to $900,000.
Where are the stories from NBC Nightly News, the Today show, ABC World News Tonight, National Public Radio, MSNBC, CNBC, the New York Times magazine, and the others who gave Air America many millions of dollars in free publicity when it premiered? This scandal was noted in the New York Daily News July 26th and they have yet to cover it.
This is also the same media that not only glorified Air America, but who also have attacked conservative talk-radio time and again, and who offered comprehensive coverage of Rush Limbaughs battle with addiction to a prescription medicine. The double standard is undeniable.
These loans are under investigation by New York City authorities. If a conservative talk-radio network or high profile show were undergoing the same scrutiny for taking money intended for disadvantaged children, the story would be leading the networks and be front page news across the country.
The media blackout of the Air
America scandal will only further separate the establishment media
from the public they claim to serve and, ironically, only turn more
of the public toward conservative talk-radio to get news and
To schedule an interview with Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson,
please contact Tim Scheiderer at 703.683.5004 x. 126