Six Days and Counting Media Research Centers 2005 Best Of Notable Quotables

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ALEXANDRIA, Va.Next Monday (12.19.05), the Media Research Center will release its annual report detailing the most outrageous and/or humorous liberal media quotes of 2005.

WHAT: The Best Notable Quotables of 2005, The 18th Annual Awards for the Years Worst Reporting, selected by a national panel of more than 50 judges including syndicated columnists, radio talk show hosts, editorial writers and editorial page editors.

WHEN: In addition to next Mondays release, the report will be posted on MRCs web site the same day ( Audio of all the winning quotes will be available as well online.

WHO: Available to comment
Brent Bozell, President and founder
Rich Noyes, Director of Research
Tim Graham, Director of Media Analysis

CATEGORIES: MSNBCs Chris Matthews and NBCs Katie Couric tied for the top spot in category nominations with four. A sampling of the categories:
Kanye West George Bush Doesnt Care About Wet People Award
God Save This Court From Extremists Award
Media Millionaires For Smaller Paychecks Award
Captain Dan the Forgery Man Award
Madness of King George Award for Bush Bashing
Barbara Streisand Political IQ Award for Celebrity Vapidity
Quote of the Year Award

To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer at 703.683.5004 x. 126.