Alexandria, VAKatie Couric, long-time anchor of NBCs Today , announced today that she is moving over to CBS in June and will takeover as anchor of the CBS Evening News in September, and will likely contribute to 60 Minutes as well. With her long record of liberally biased reporting on political issues, as documented by the Media Research Center (MRC) for 15 years, political coverage at the CBS Evening News under Courics direction will mean more of the same. CBS blew a golden opportunity to upgrade its Evening News anchor slot, said MRC President Brent Bozell. CBS chose the perky,... continue reading
WASHINGTON D.C. The Media Research Center today announces the worst liberal reporting awards from their 6th annual DisHonors Awards gala held last night at the Grand Hyatt Washington. Ted Turner, Chris Matthews, Jack Cafferty and Rosie ODonnell won for their superlative bias. Judges included Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Steve Forbes, Brent Bozell and other distinguished conservatives. Quote of the year was chosen by the 950 guests in attendance and was awarded to Ted Turner for his ridiculous analysis of North Korea. Below is a full list of the 2006 awards, winners and the quotes that earned them their... continue reading
WHO: Brent Bozell, the Media Research Center, conservative celebrities and military heroes WHAT: Dis Honors Awards Gala to roast the liberal media and toast our American troops WHERE: Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street NW, Washington, D.C. WHEN: Tonight, March 30, 2006, 6:00 PM General Reception, 7:00 PM Dinner 2006 DisHonors Awards Winners to be announced at 9:00 PM ET Slam Uncle Sam Award Send Bush to Abu Ghraib Award Cindy Sheehan Media Hero Award Aaron Brown Memorial Award for the Stupidest Analysis Im Not a Geopolitical Genius But I Play One on TV Award For more information about the... continue reading
Alexandria, VAIn only two days, Brent Bozell and the Media Research Center will hold their MRC Annual Gala at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. to roast the worst liberal reporting of the past year. Conservative luminaries such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Ann Coulter are just a few who accepted awards in past years on behalf of the most biased reporters. Below is a list of this years awards and details about the event. This year the gala will include an extraordinary tribute to American troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, including an exclusive video to honor our... continue reading
Alexandria, VAThe Iraq war is now three years old and the bloody ex-dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, is on trial for crimes against humanity and genocide. Yet the evidence behind these charges and the gripping testimony of Saddams victims has garnered little coverage from the broadcast network evening newscasts. A new study by the Media Research Center, Covering Saddams Shenanigans, Not His Crimes , found that Saddams trial has received only light coverage on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts, and much of that has focused on Saddams courtroom antics, not the details of his crimes: Saddams trial has... continue reading
Alexandria, VAThis weeks CBS poll on President Bush put his approval rating at 34 percent, an all-time low that some of the most influential media in America were quick to highlight. But what they and CBS failed to fairly tell Americans is that the CBS poll relied on responses from far more Democrats than Republicans and that nearly all the questions were crafted to cast the President in a negative light, reported the Media Research Center today in its Media Reality Check. A posting of poll results listed 409 Democratic respondents versus 272 Republican respondents. CBS then weighted the results... continue reading
Alexandria, VAMedia Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding Bryant Gumbels racist comments about the Olympics looking like a Republican Party convention due to its lack of black athletes. Gumbels remarks reek of racism and arrogance, said Bozell. On HBOs Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, he actually said we should try not to laugh when someone says these are the worlds greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention. Thats racial bean-counting. Its also morally skewed because it says that to be among the greatest athletes you have... continue reading
Alexandria, VAThe following is a statement issued by Media Research Center President Brent Bozell concerning USA Today s front-page story about the tally of wounded US troops decreasing in the Iraq War in 2005. Bozell notes that the majority of the national media ignored this positive development: USA Today should be commended for their balanced coverage of the Iraq war by reporting the significant decline of overall casualties in yesterdays story U.S. tally of wounded drops 26%. This good news certainly deserves the same attention that negative war-related headlines continually receive. USA Today recognized the importance of the story and... continue reading
Alexandria, VAMedia Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding the media giving Democrats a free pass to paint a college group as racist and smear Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito in the process. On Wednesday, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee harshly criticized Nominee Alito because he once belonged to a college group that they falsely claimed was racist and anti-women, said Bozell. The questioning was so intense Mrs. Alito broke into tears and had to leave the room because of the unfounded character attacks. And did the media set the record straight on the Princeton alumni... continue reading
The best proof of the nearly lock step liberal bias of the major news media has always been remarks from reporters and media bigwigs themselves. We point that out on the occasion of the Media Research Centers annual announcement of dubious awards for obvious examples of liberal reporting in 2005. Judges from around the nation - including this editorial page - weighed numerous quotations from the past year to select the worst of the worst. Here are some winners and runners-up: * Andrea Mitchell of NBC Nightly News pondered whether Irans new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was among the violent radicals... continue reading