Alexandria, VA In his Worst Person in the World! segments on MSNBCs Countdown , host Keith Olbermann targets conservatives nearly 9 times more often than he targets liberals, a new study by the Media Research Center confirms. This reveals Mr. Olbermanns liberal bias despite his claims that his journalism has nothing to do with a political point of view. Since June 30, 2005, Olbermann has announced his daily picks for Worse, Worser, and Worst Person in the World! The numbers show that Olbermann targeted conservatives 174 times in the past 12 months, compared to just 23 instances when he complained... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Founder and President of the Media Research Center, Brent Bozell, comments on the New York Times s careless decision to report on a secret financial monitoring program used to trace terrorists: "The New York Times will stop at nothing to propel its liberal agenda, not even jeopardizing our national security. Bozell continued, "This most recent story should serve as a warning to Americans that the New York Times just doesnt give a damn about American national security. The Times can no longer hide behind the facade of fair and objective journalistic standards. The Times is deliberately pushing a... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Since the fall of Baghdad in April 2003 there have been thousands of news stories declaring as fact that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq. A typical media example comes from CBSs Ed Bradley, who said on 60 Minutes April 26, no weapons of mass destruction surfaced in Iraq. However, a partially declassified Army National Ground Intelligence Center report confirms that since 2003 U.S. forces have discovered more than 500 shells of ordinance containing sarin or mustard gas, i.e., WMD. It is now a definitive fact that there were WMDs in Iraq, and that... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Many liberal journalists are up in arms over Ann Coulters controversial remarks about certain 9/11 widows, but the same reporters regularly ignore or downplay the grossly insulting comments made by some liberals against conservatives. It is a clear double standard, proving, once again, the liberal media bias against conservative issues and conservative leaders. Many of Coulters critics are moral, editorial hypocrites, said Media Research Center President Brent Bozell. Where were they when Julianne Malveaux wished Clarence Thomas would eat fatty foods, get high cholesterol and die? When Senator Hillary Clinton accused Congress of running a plantation, or when... continue reading
Alexandria, VA As the U.S. military eliminated terrorist menace Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Media Research Center released a new study documenting the medias practice of highlighting unconfirmed allegations of military misconduct while ignoring proven military heroism. The new study found the networks in the past three weeks produced more than four times more coverage of alleged misconduct than theyve produced about Americas top heroes in the War on Terror in the past five years. Today, the American people want to take a victory lap with our military, said Media Research Center President Brent Bozell. They want to thank the troops... continue reading
Alexandria, VA On Wednesday, May 24, anchor Elizabeth Vargas and reporter Brian Ross of ABCs World News Tonight dramatically reported startling news that House Speaker Dennis Hastert is under investigation in relation to the Jack Abramoff bribery scandal. Fellow ABC correspondent George Stephanopoulos called the story potentially seismic in its political implications. The problem is that 1) the Department of Justice issued two denials, refuting ABCs claims; 2) it is now known that ABC did not call Speaker Hastert until one hour before its broadcast; and 3) ABC did not even check with the Justice Department for an official response... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The Media Research Center will release this afternoon a new study, The Trashing of the Christ , which documents the contrasting coverage the networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have provided The Da Vinci Code movie and that given to The Passion of the Christ movie. The contrast is stark: hostility to The Passion and gleeful promotion of The Da Vinci Code . Some of the studys findings include: The networks gave The Da Vinci Code more of a publicity push than The Passion and any other recently released movie. The Passion was treated as a social problem the... continue reading
Alexandria, VA ABC News announced today that Charles Gibson, co-anchor of Good Morning America , will become the sole anchor of World News Tonight starting May 29. Current World News Tonight anchor Elizabeth Vargas is stepping down to take maternity leave. While Gibson displayed political fairness when he hosted the 2004 town-hall style presidential debate, on Good Morning America and as a fill-in on World News Tonight Gibson has rarely strayed from the media elites liberal template. For example: In 2004, after President Bush asked Congress to extend his tax cuts, Gibson confronted then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card... continue reading
Alexandria, VA The morning and evening news shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC havent been just reporting consumer discontent about higher gas prices but also actively stoking public outrage. A new study by the Media Research Center, released today, shows that the three networks combined broadcast 183 stories about rising gas prices from April 12 through May 2 yet most of these stories were geared to fueling public fears with hyperbole, no evidence and hysterical claims. Among the findings: The networks used loaded language in their promotional teases, e.g., pain at the pump; skyrocketing prices; soaring prices; and sky high... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - NBC has chosen Meredith Vieira to replace the departing Katie Couric on the Today show. Vieira has a long record of liberally biased reporting, having touted her participation in anti-Iraq-war marches, accusing conservative critics of wrapping themselves in the flag and being like McCarthy, and boasting of her anti-capital punishment beliefs. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement concerning the hiring of Vieira: NBC promises to poison Americans mornings with liberal bias by hiring Meredith Vieira, said Bozell. She is not bashful about her disgust of the Bush administration and her anti-war stance. She... continue reading