Press Releases

Alexandria, VA - Brent Bozell, MRC President, issued the following statement and provided evidence on the double standard of blaming conservatives for the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona while repeatedly ignoring left-wing media outbursts wishing death upon conservatives: "The so-called 'news' media have zero currency in this debate because we have documented the Left using hateful, vicious language far worse than any conservative. Their attacks on conservatives are untrue and utterly hypocritical. If they really cared about the effects of political rhetoric, they would have gone after any number of those left-wingers who have directly incited violence - starting with... continue reading
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement after a thorough, two-day review of how the media have covered the tragic shooting in Arizona: "Implicating a conservative tie to this heinous act of violence or to Jared Lee Loughner, who is no conservative, is nothing short of a naked campaign to criminalize conservative thought. "Sadly, those who point their finger are at the nexus of hypocrisy. Take the unidentified "veteran Democratic strategist" who told Politico that, 'they need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers ... Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - In its just-released Best Notable Quotables of 2010: The 23rd Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting , MSNBC host Chris Matthew has been granted the Media Research Center's dubious " Quote of the Year " honor by an esteemed panel of judges who voted to award him for once again announcing the bodily tingles he experiences when he hears President Obama speaking. On the September 7 Hardball , Matthews followed up a clip of Obama saying by pining: "I get the same thrill up my leg, all over me, every time I hear those words. I'm... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - As reported yesterday, the tax-payer funded Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery is hosting an exhibit during this Christmas season featuring images of an ant-covered Jesus, male genitals, naked brothers kissing, men in chains, Ellen DeGeneres grabbing her breasts, and a painting the Smithsonian itself describes in the show's catalog as "homoerotic." Brent Bozell, Media Research Center (MRC) President, reacted: "This exhibition is a direct assault on Christianity and the timing - the Christmas season! - shows how offensive it is intended to be. This federally funded vulgarity by the Smithsonian Institution must come to an end immediately... continue reading
MRC President Brent Bozell issued the following statement in reaction to news that MSNBC had suspended Countdown host Keith Olbermann "indefinitely" for donating to three Democratic candidates in violation of NBC's policy. In October, Olbermann had blasted political donations from Fox News owner News Corp, slamming Fox as "a media outlet that has now put its money where everybody has known its mouth has always been." (Video at right) "Keith Olbermann is officially the Worst Hypocrite in the World. He rails about a 'national cable news outlet' that 'starts to donate to partisan groups of one party,' then does exactly... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - National Public Radio (NPR) has fired longtime analyst Juan Williams for admitting he gets nervous on a plane when he sees a person dressed in Muslim garb. Brent Bozell, Media Research Center (MRC) President, reacted: "Juan Williams has done nothing wrong. What he said echoes what the vast majority of Americans believe. It's their tax dollars that fund NPR. But NPR is ignoring them. Instead, they are kowtowing to the agenda of radical anti-Americans like CAIR, and doing the bidding of George Soros , who hates Fox News with a passion. "And since when did NPR have... continue reading
NYC Protest Outside New York Times, NBC WHO: Concerned Citizens Members of NYC-based Tea Party 365 and Media Research Center grassroots activists will picket w/ "Don't Believe the Liberal Media" signs Brent Bozell , Media Research Center President Four giant billboard trucks circling the protest WHAT: Protest WHY: Bring the MRC's "Tell The Truth!" campaign to the media's home turf Demand the media stop smearing the Tea Parties and do their job to report the truth about The Administration and Congress and how their policies are hurting our economy and our nation WHEN: SUNDAY, October 17th, 2:00 PM - 3:00... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - The Media Research Center (MRC) is proud to announce M. Stanton Evans as the recipient of its 2010 William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence, given to honor conservative leaders who exemplify the spirit and tenacity of the late Mr. Buckley. This year's recipient, M. Stanton Evans, will be presented with the award at the MRC's "Tell the Truth!" 2010 Tour event at the Mayflower Hotel held today in Washington, DC. "Stan Evans' list of contributions to the conservative movement is nearly impossible to measure," said Brent Bozell, presenter of the award and president and founder... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Brent Bozell and the Media Research Center (MRC) have "declared war on the liberal media" with a new $2.1 million campaign to demand they stop lying and "Tell The Truth!" about Obama, the damage his radical policies have caused, and to cease immediately the character assassinations launched against the Tea Parties. The national campaign will reach millions of people each week through end of 2010 and includes: • National television advertisements -3 different 15-second ads about ObamaCare, the Ground Zero mosque and illegal immigration; all issues the liberal media are out of sync with majorities of Americans... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - In a study released today, the Media Research Center's (MRC) TimesWatch division reveals how slanted the New York Times' coverage of Supreme Court nominees has been over the arc of the last seven Supreme Court justices' nominations and confirmations. Supremely Slanted followed the Times' coverage from Clarence Thomas's nomination in 1991 to Elena Kagan's confirmation in 2010, and found stark differences in how the Times reported on the four Justices nominated by Democrats versus the three nominated by Republicans. They have painted conservatives as highly controversial and dangerously ideological, while liberal nominees were presented as "brilliant" moderates... continue reading