Upon learning that Katie Couric has officially announced she will leave her anchor post at CBS Evening News, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following to CBS executives: "Rumor has it that CBS News is going to name Scott Pelley as Couric's successor. But what's the rush? You've been in last place for well over a decade. Another few days won't matter. Do not make (another) rash, premature, impulsive decision. Vet all your options - especially when the MRC's 500,000 members are coming to the rescue. "The MRC has launched a national search committee and is soliciting recommendations... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement concerning an exposé of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards' statements on CNN Headline News. "Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards appeared on CNN's Headline News channel claiming that de-funding Planned Parenthood would prevent it from providing women with mammogram services. This has been proven absolutely false. A group called Live Action has released an audio investigation with proof from numerous Planned Parenthood clinics whose staff clearly state they do not provide mammograms, yet the President of the organization went on national television and stated the exact opposite. "The... continue reading
Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center (MRC): "Republicans said today that the arrogant liberal sneers at taxpayers in Flyover Country deserve to be met by NPR raising its own money in its own fancy cafes. And an organization that admits catering to a 'core audience that is predominately white, liberal, highly educated, elite' is among the last that should survive budget cuts if legislators are serious about cutting unnecessary spending. We applaud the 228 Representatives who stepped up to say so with their votes in the House today. If the Senate and President Obama really care... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell sent a letter to the chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate committees with oversight of NPR stating that PBS does not deserve a dime of taxpayer funding and that a government that is broke should not be in the business of funding a left-wing playground. This week, NPR's top fundraiser, Ron Schiller, unleashed a barrage of anti-conservative rhetoric in a hidden-camera expose at a business lunch in Washington. Vivian Schiller, NPR President and CEO, resigned after news of Ron Schiller's comments spread. Bozell says her resignation does nothing... continue reading
The following letter was sent March 9, 2011 by Media Research Center President Brent Bozell to the leaders of the House and Senate committees with oversight over National Public Radio: House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton and Ranking Member Henry Waxman; and Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller and Ranking Member Kay Bailey Hutchison. Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 */ When Congress passed the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, it began with an idealistic notion of serving all Americans and presenting fair and balanced news and information. It would be nonpartisan and all-inclusive. But NPR and PBS... continue reading
In light of new revelations about NPR's top brass bashing conservatives in a hidden-camera investigation, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham issued the following statements calling on Congress to wake up and stop using tax dollars to fund National Public Radio. Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center (MRC): NPR hates Middle America, plain and simple. This week's utterances from NPR officials underline that these taxpayer-funded bureaucrats loathe most of the taxpayers who feather their comfortable nest. Their contempt for "scary" Middle Americans belies their ridiculous claims of concern for... continue reading
Following news reports today that AOL News would pay $315 million to acquire The Huffington Post, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement: "This proves AOL News has lost its mind. They must be in such dire straits that they've been blinded by the millions and think an acquisition of The Huffington Post is worth sacrificing credibility and objectivity. AOL News is fooling only itself in thinking there is no journalistic conflict in merging with a hate-filled, vicious, radically left-wing rag. "Let's do a quick review of The Huffington Post. Our ' Huffington's House of Horrors '... continue reading
In the last 24 hours, Senator Leland Yee (D-CA) has incriminated Rush Limbaugh for a racist fax sent to him by an unidentified individual which allegedly read, "Rush Limbaugh will kick your Ch-k ass and expose you for the fool you are." Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding the media reaction to this charge: "This is part of a systematic, coordinated campaign designed to smear Rush Limbaugh. We've seen it before, over and over. The media helped propel the bogus story about the "phony soldier" by twisting Rush's comments into an attack on U.S. troops... continue reading
Earlier today, Media Research Center President and Founder Brent Bozell released the following statement on MSNBC's firing Keith Olbermann: "It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Olbermann was a failure because he was vicious, insulting and off-the-charts liberal. And they replaced him with Lawrence O'Donnell, who is Olbermann but without talent. It is absolutely guaranteed that MSNBC will sink even lower. This network is clueless." For a glimpse of Olbermann's on-air shenanigans, check out the " Dumb and Dumber " award from the MRC's Best Notable Quotables of 2010 . And, just posted to our NewsBusters' blog, " The... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - In the wake of the CNSNews.com interview with potential presidential hopeful Rick Santorum and his criticism of President Obama's support for abortion rights, numerous major news outlets including Politico, National Journal, the Wall Street Journal, and the Daily Beast have accused Santorum of playing the "race card" while discussing human life and personhood protected by the Constitution. Santorum said this: "The question is, and this is what Barack Obama didn't want to answer: Is that human life a person under the Constitution? And Barack Obama says no. Well, if that human life is not a person, then... continue reading