Press Releases

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding news of James O'Keefe's sting operation attempt to embarrass CNN: "The MRC unequivocally denounces James O'Keefe for his attempted assault on CNN. It isn't just childish and immature; it's ugly, dishonest and filthy. There is no place in the conservative movement for this type of behavior and that's exactly what I warned about in a commentary piece I submitted to just two days ago. 'Could the Citizen Journalist abuse the public trust?' I wrote in this piece that should run in the next few days. 'Hypothetically, of course... continue reading
Dubbed as "ultra right wing extremist" and "crazy," Republican candidate Christine O'Donnell and her Tea Party supporters have been smeared by every major broadcast and cable network since she won the Delaware primary against GOP establishment candidate on Tuesday night. See below. Brent Bozell, Media Research Center President, reacts: "This is mudsliging at its ugliest. Pure character assassination. These networks have never treated a viable Democratic candidate with this level of contempt. How dare they lecture anyone on manners or decency ever again. "The MRC demands the media Tell The Truth ! about the Tea Party, its momentum and the... continue reading
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening new shows have yet to notice Fidel Castro's astonishing admission that Cuban Communism does not work. "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore," the longtime dictator was quoted as telling The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg in a September 8 posting . But non-journalist Jay Leno brought the news to his Tonight Show audience on Thursday, joshing: "Most Cubans heard this announcement on a 1954 RCA Deluxe console TV - beautiful black-and-white, all mahogany...." (Video at right) MRC President Brent Bozell issued the following statement to address the broadcast networks' lack of interest: "Jay... continue reading
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacted to news of ABC News President David Westin's resignation this morning: "Congratulations, ABC News! You are now free from the 14-year reign of the news president that helped drive your ratings into the ground. "Under his leadership, Westin continually promoted some of the most liberally biased reporters in news, including George Stephanopoulos , Diane Sawyer , Christine Amanpour and Bill Weir . He hired an Obama donor as ABC's new Senior Medical Editor in the midst of the healthcare debate and ignored the 8 3,000 Americans who petitioned him to ensure that ABC... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - In a special report released today, the Media Research Center (MRC) reveals the vile and vicious members of left-wing talk radio and their record of hatemongering. While the media continue to ignore these accounts, they contrastingly continue to accuse and attack conservatives. The Real Radio Hatemongers reveals research dating back as far as 2007 of slander against conservatives on liberal talk radio that has gone largely unchecked and even ignored by the media. Hosts such as Mike Malloy and Ed Schultz are among this group of true hatemongers who have typified slander against conservative radio talk show... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - In the summer of 2005 the Media Research Center (MRC) launched a pivotal project that would quickly transform the speed and breadth of exposing liberal media bias into real-time documentation: . Within 24 hours, top talker Rush Limbaugh raved to his millions of listeners that "NewsBusters rocks" and today, five years later, the award-winning blog has become a hub for conservative media personalities who daily cite and source its work. The blog has authored more than 40,000 posts that have generated more than 1.2 million comments; produced the recurring political comedy show NewsBusted ; and created... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - Brent Bozell, founder and president of The Media Research Center, issued the following statement about The Washington Post Company selling Newsweek to Sidney Harman: "There's something entirely believable about the Newsweek sale. A left-winger pretending to be centrist sold it to another left-winger pretending to be centrist. Newsweek is a dying magazine because no one wants to read their left-wing propaganda masquerading as 'news.' The $1 price tag, then, is probably just about right." For more information on the sale, read the NewsBusters' story here . continue reading
"Andrew Breitbart is going to be fine. He's done nothing wrong. I wonder if Ms. Sherrod, who is such a champion of transparency, will publicly disclose who is putting her up to this. And I also hope this champion of honesty will stop lying about Fox News. I'm also waiting for Ms. Sherrod to publicly apologize for accusing anyone opposed to nationalized healthcare of being racist. Last time I checked, that was more than half the country." - Brent Bozell, Media Research Center President and Founder continue reading
The following is an open letter sent by MRC President Brent Bozell to Washington Post Executive Editor Marcus Brauchli on July 28, 2010, regarding the scandal surrounding JournoList, a private listserve group created by blogger Ezra Klein when he worked at The American Prospect and maintained by him after he joined the Washington Post in 2009. Dear Mr. Brauchli: The JournoList scandal is getting worse every day and The Washington Post is at the center of it. Blogger Ezra Klein ran the operation and at least three other staffers were members. (Blogger Greg Sargent claims he wasn't a member after... continue reading
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today reprimanded members of the press in light of the recently exposed e-mails from Journolist that show reporters engaged in a blatant, deliberate campaign to smear conservatives. The Daily Caller exposed shocking e-mails from liberal journalists this week from a Journolist, an online resource for members of the press. Among these e-mails were blatant intentions of covering up the Rev. Jeremiah Wright news in 2008 to protect Obama, attempts to smear conservatives as racist, and an NPR producer saying that if conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh were dying, she would "laugh loudly like a... continue reading