Press Releases

Alexandria, VA - The world has been laughing at the broadcast network news shows for not reporting the great and growing ClimateGate scandal. It took two weeks, but NBC, ABC and CBS finally did over the weekend. In so doing, they showed that when it comes to the global warming debate, they are part of the Flat Earth Society. ABC finally reported on ClimateGate on Sunday. But they provided no specifics from the reams of emails and data from East Anglia University that caused the scandal, and concluded their report with the flatly incorrect assertion "The science is solid, according... continue reading
Bozell Defends Networks' Silence on ClimateGate: "Maybe They Just Don't Know" Alexandria, VA - For the fourteenth straight day, the three broadcast networks have failed to report on the great and growing ClimateGate scandal on their weekday morning or evening news programs. How to explain this? Perhaps it is that ABC, NBC and CBS have not yet heard of the story, despite two weeks of non-stop reporting on and discussion of ClimateGate in a whole host of media outlets. Perhaps the broadcast networks only trust their fellow liberal press outlets, like the New York Times . Perhaps they don't realize... continue reading
ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore Latest Development in "Greatest Scandal in Modern Science" Alexandria, VA - ABC, CBS and NBC's collective silence on "ClimateGate" has reached ridiculous levels as the broadcast networks continued to ignore the great and growing scandal. The bias by omission has now become scandalous. Phil Jones announced yesterday that he is temporarily leaving his post as head of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit pending the investigation into the controversial e-mails and documents that started ClimateGate. Yet none of the broadcast network weekday morning and evening news shows addressed ClimateGate or the incriminating Jones development... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - As we approach the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall's collapse this November 9th, the Media Research Center has released an extensive 20-year review of how many in the liberal media utterly failed to accurately portray communism as one of the worst evils of the century, with their coverage actually leaning in favor of the totalitarian oppressors, not the oppressed. The two-decade compilation " Better Off Red " reveals trends in coverage - from glowing reports of Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev to perverse arguments that the end of communism was a setback for human rights - and... continue reading
Press corps repeatedly condemns conservatives for delivering victories for Republicans Alexandria, VA - Last night's election results were an unequivocal testament to the strength of the conservative movement. In New York's 23rd, the GOP lost because it committed political suicide by drafting a candidate to the left even of the Democrat, and a complete political unknown came within a whisker of winning on the Conservative Party line. In New Jersey, a moderate Republican barely defeated a liberal incumbent Democrat with an approval rating under 40%. But in Virginia, a state captured by the Democrats last year, and where an unabashed,... continue reading
Echoes Call for Goodell to Apologize Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released the following statement today praising Iowa Congressman Steve King for demanding during a congressional hearing Wednesday that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell apologize for the treatment of Rush Limbaugh in his attempt to purchase an NFL franchise: "Congressman King's insistence for an apology yesterday is exactly what we have been calling on the media to do since they first misrepresented the fictitious, racist quotes attributed to Rush Limbaugh. Rep. King set the record straight, exposing the outright fabrications and distortions attributed to Limbaugh. He was... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today applauded ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN for uniting with competitor news network Fox News in response to the Obama White House excluding Fox from an interview with "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg. The networks said none of them would speak with Feinberg if Fox was excluded, and the White House subsequently reversed its decision. "Not even Richard Nixon would have dared try this. This was a White House attempt at censorship and brass knuckle intimidation. But it backfired. " This was more than a strike at Fox News. It was a... continue reading
MRC President Reports Back on CNN, MSNBC Character Assassination of Rush Limbaugh, Issues Ultimatum to All Media Spreading Racist Lies Alexandria, VA - Yesterday, MRC President Brent Bozell promised to report back publicly with how CNN and MSNBC responded to his challenge to put up - or shut up - proof that Rush Limbaugh actually stated the racist quote that both cable networks attributed to him as fact , or to immediately retract and apologize for their participation in spreading an outlandish lie. Talk show giant Limbaugh denied having ever stated, "Slavery built the South. I'm not saying we should... continue reading
" Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell has demanded that CNN and MSNBC prove that radio talk show king Rush Limbaugh uttered a racist quote they have attributed to him as fact after Limbaugh publicly denied having ever said, "Slavery built the South. I'm not saying we should bring it back. I'm just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark" on his nationally syndicated airwaves. The accusations came in the wake of reports that Limbaugh is bidding to purchase the St. Louis Rams, which spurred a wave of left-wing cries... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today demanded the media investigate and report on the new Obama Administration gag order placed on private health insurance companies. On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell twice on the Senate floor voiced outrage at a disgraceful and potentially unconstitutional abuse of government power. The Obama Administration's Health and Human Services (HHS) Department demanded all private health insurance companies immediately stop communicating how health care legislation might affect their Medicare Advantage customers' plans and threatened to prosecute them if they refused to comply. Currently there are 11... continue reading