MSNBC's Chris "Thrill Up My Leg" Matthews Wins Quote of the Year

Alexandria, VA - In its just-released Best Notable Quotables of 2010: The 23rd Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting, MSNBC host Chris Matthew has been granted the Media Research Center's dubious "Quote of the Year" honor by an esteemed panel of judges who voted to award him for once again announcing the bodily tingles he experiences when he hears President Obama speaking. On the September 7 Hardball, Matthews followed up a clip of Obama saying by pining:

"I get the same thrill up my leg, all over me, every time I hear those words. I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, that's me. He's talking about my country and nobody does it better."

PBS host Tavis Smiley was runner-up for likening Christians and the Tea Party to terrorists in a segment with author Ayaan Hirsi Ali back on the May 25 edition of his program, Tavis Smiley. Ali remarked that radical Muslims are motivated by the thought that "to kill other people is a great thing to do," which drew this rejoinder from Smiley:

"But Christians do that every single day in this country....Every day, people walk into post offices, they walk into schools, that's what Columbine is - I could do this all day long....There are folk in the Tea Party, for example, every day who are being recently arrested for making threats against elected officials, for calling people 'nigger' as they walk into Capitol Hill, for spitting on people."

MRC President Brent Bozell:

"Congratulations, liberal media! The blustering failures of Obama have sent our country into an economic nose dive, while destroying his party politically and still you love him and his radical policies. In equal measure you despise the conservative Sleeping Giant and its Tea Party and will say anything, even lie through your teeth, to discredit them. No wonder your own numbers are collapsing. Best of luck in 2011. I'm sure the Republican Congress will offer plenty of excuses to return to gnashing your teeth."

The winners were selected by a panel of 46 judges, including nationally syndicated talk radio host Neal Boortz, columnist Cal Thomas, George Mason University economics professor Walter E. Williams, Human Events Editor-in-Chief Tom Winter and American Spectator Editor-in-Chief R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.

To watch video clips of the broadcast quotes, access full quotes, or see winners and runners up, please visit

Other highlights include:

Damn Those Conservatives Award

Co-host Joy Behar: "You know what I'd like to see her do? I'd like to see her [Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle] do this ad in the South Bronx. Come here, bitch! Come to New York and do it."
Co-host Sherri Shepherd: "We're praying for you. We're praying for you."
Co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck: "Even Joy is praying for her."
Behar: "I am not praying for her. I'm telling you right now. She's going to Hell....She's going to Hell, this bitch."
- ABC's The View, October 26, talking about Angle's ad against illegal immigration.

They Don't Miss Him Yet Award for Still Bashing Bush

"This [the oil spill] is more Bush's second Katrina than Obama's first."
- Time's Joe Klein on The Chris Matthews Show, May 30.

The Audacity of Dopes Award for the Wackiest Analysis of the Year

"The notion that Massachusetts would elect a Republican to fill the seat left vacant by Edward Kennedy was the property of people who buy interesting mushrooms in interesting places. You might as well expect the House of Windsor to be succeeded on the British throne by the Kardashian sisters."
- The Boston Globe Magazine's Charles Pierce in a January 10 column right before Scott Brown's election.

With awards also in the following categories:

MRC President Brent Bozell appeared on the Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends December 20 to reveal the "winners" of this year's awards. You can watch the video on MRC's Eyeblast.TV site.