Alexandria, VA - As reported yesterday, the tax-payer funded Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery is hosting an exhibit during this Christmas season featuring images of an ant-covered Jesus, male genitals, naked brothers kissing, men in chains, Ellen DeGeneres grabbing her breasts, and a painting the Smithsonian itself describes in the show's catalog as "homoerotic."
Brent Bozell, Media Research Center (MRC) President, reacted:
Links to the letters are found here:
Brent Bozell, Media Research Center (MRC) President, reacted:
"This exhibition is a direct assault on Christianity and the timing - the Christmas season! - shows how offensive it is intended to be. This federally funded vulgarity by the Smithsonian Institution must come to an end immediately. How dare anyone use a federal facility - The Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery no less - to exhibit such obscene materials.
This is an insult to every Christian. This disgrace of an exhibition must stop immediately, but that is not all. We are also calling on Congress to launch a full investigation into the approval process of the Hide/Seek exhibit.
We are sending the following letter to Speaker Pelosi and Speaker-Elect Boehner on the House side, and to Majority Leader Reid and Minority Leader McConnell in the Senate to demand an investigation. Americans should not rest until we receive answers to why this exhibit was approved, and how the Smithsonian justifies using tax-payer dollars for such a display of anti-Christian bigotry."
Links to the letters are found here:
- Letter to Boehner: Boehner Letter.pdf
- Letter to Pelosi: Pelosi Letter.pdf
- Letter to McConnell: McConnell Letter.pdf
- Letter to Reid: Reid Letter.pdf