In light of new revelations about NPR's top brass bashing conservatives
in a hidden-camera investigation, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell
and Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham issued the following statements
calling on Congress to wake up and stop using tax dollars to fund
National Public Radio.
Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center (MRC):
Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center (MRC):
NPR hates Middle America, plain and simple. This week's utterances from NPR officials underline that these taxpayer-funded bureaucrats loathe most of the taxpayers who feather their comfortable nest. Their contempt for "scary" Middle Americans belies their ridiculous claims of concern for rural stations and their absurd declaration that somehow NPR is the epitome of fairness and balance.Tim Graham, MRC Director of Media Analysis:
No wonder the radical left-wing billionaire George Soros has funneled $1.8 million into NPR. They are doing his bidding and calling it "news."
NPR and its $600,000 salaried executives increasingly seek out funding from far-left elitists like George Soros and gratefully accept lobbying help from They willingly go to lunch with people who they think want to be told that the country is dangerously conservative, under-educated, and needs the progressive College of Public Broadcasting to enlighten them.
If the Senate and the President are serious at all about deficit reduction, they should start where the cuts are easiest. The House's vote to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is long overdue. There is nothing in this ballooning federal budget more deserving of a zero than the elitists in public broadcasting.