Upon learning that Katie Couric has officially announced she will leave her anchor post at CBS Evening News, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following to CBS executives:
"Rumor has it that CBS News is going to name Scott Pelley as Couric's successor. But what's the rush? You've been in last place for well over a decade. Another few days won't matter. Do not make (another) rash, premature, impulsive decision. Vet all your options - especially when the MRC's 500,000 members are coming to the rescue.
"The MRC has launched a national search committee and is soliciting recommendations for the next CBS Evening News anchor.
"CBS likes people with charisma - like Charlie Sheen, maybe? He too is looking for work. Or someone with "CBS depth" - so how about Britney Spears? Or maybe someone who is sweet, perky and - oh wait a minute, you tried that already.
"Instead of making any rash decisions, we urge you to postpone your decision and give us a chance to weigh in. And after the committee convenes, I will return to announce our recommendation.
"Let the search begin! But don't wait too, too long. The ratings footsteps you hear are Al Gore's Current TV gaining."