Alexandria, VA – Media Research Center President Brent Bozell denounced the broadcast networks for wasting their time with attention on the undercover 'investigation' by a gay activist into the Christian clinic run by Representative Michele Bachmann's husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann:
'The broadcast networks are guilty of giving undeserved credibility and attention to a story that is stupid and silly. There are numerous times when these same networks chose to ignore serious issues that actually put people's lives at risk.
'This Bachmann hit piece was reported by ABC World News and ABC's Nightline last night and perpetuated by ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today Show this morning. It's nothing more than a swipe at a leading conservative presidential candidate by an anti-Christian gay activist, but the media's overreaction has made the clinic out to be guilty of a crime. Where were these networks when Planned Parenthood was caught on tape – multiple times and in multiple states – willing to aid and abet in sex trafficking of young girls? Or when they covered up sex abuse of minors? Or when ACORN was caught on tape willing to help a pimp cover up his sex ring?
'These undercover investigations exposed dangerous and illegal abuses that put young women in danger, but they flew in the face of the networks' liberal leanings. These same networks refused to cover the explosive Planned Parenthood and ACORN exposés until alternative media outlets forced their hand and they could no longer ignore the news.
'How can we rely on these networks to bring us actual news when they cannot even function as proper investigative journalists, instead opting to highlight stupid attacks on conservative Presidential candidates?'