Alexandria, VAMedia Research Center President
Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding the media
giving Democrats a free pass to paint a college group as racist and
smear Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito in the process.
On Wednesday, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee harshly
criticized Nominee Alito because he once belonged to a college group
that they falsely claimed was racist and anti-women, said Bozell.
The questioning was so intense Mrs. Alito broke into tears and had
to leave the room because of the unfounded character attacks. And
did the media set the record straight on the Princeton alumni group?
No. Did the media interview the many former members, female and
minority, for their views on the group? No.
The media are allowing the Democrats to publicly commit character
assassination and make a mockery of the confirmation process. The
media have yet to report the true nature of the group, Concerned
Alumni of Princeton (CAP), to which Alito belonged. As a matter of
fact, ABC News adopted as fact the dishonest, liberal Democratic
allegations about the supposedly bigoted agenda of CAP. World News
Tonight anchor Elizabeth Vargas referred to Alito's membership in a
controversial group opposed to women and minorities at his college.
Yet, CAP has had as editors of its publication Laura Ingraham, a
woman, and Dinesh D'Souza, a scholar at the Hoover Institution and a
native of India.
The media are failing to perform their duty of exposing the
distortions being propagated by Democrats, which are ludicrous and
There is no question about what would happen if the tables were
turned and the Republicans were treating a Democratic Supreme Court
nominee in a similar fashion. A tremendous uproar would replace the
whimper we are hearing from the media today, Bozell concluded.
o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.