Alexandria, VAKatie Couric, long-time anchor of
NBCs Today, announced today that she is moving over to CBS
in June and will takeover as anchor of the CBS Evening News
in September, and will likely contribute to 60 Minutes as
well. With her long record of liberally biased reporting on
political issues, as documented by the Media Research Center (MRC)
for 15 years, political coverage at the CBS Evening News
under Courics direction will mean more of the same.
CBS blew a golden opportunity to upgrade its Evening News anchor
slot, said MRC President Brent Bozell. CBS chose the perky,
likeable, and politically liberal Katie Couric, whose biases will
only reinforce CBSs reputation as a network riddled with liberally
biased reporting. CBS, already in third place in the evening news
ratings, has metaphorically put its anchor chair on the deck of the
old media Titanic.
Since becoming co-host of NBCs Today in April 1991, Katie
Couric has often used her perch to salute her liberal heroes
(including Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter) or complain about
right-wing conservatives, reports the MRC. In her years on
Today, Shes lectured Charlton Heston about the need for gun
control, championed the need for campaign finance reform, and even
touted the wonders of Frances nanny state. A new report on Katie
Courics history of liberally biased reporting can be read at
o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.