Alexandria, VASince the fall of Baghdad
in April 2003 there have been thousands of news stories declaring as
fact that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq. A
typical media example comes from CBSs Ed Bradley, who said on 60
Minutes April 26, no weapons of mass destruction surfaced in Iraq.
However, a partially declassified Army National Ground Intelligence
Center report confirms that since 2003 U.S. forces have discovered
more than 500 shells of ordinance containing sarin or mustard gas,
i.e., WMD. It is now a definitive fact that there were WMDs in Iraq,
and that Saddam Hussein lied to the world when he said Iraq had no
This information was disclosed at a Wednesday, June 21, press
conference held by Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Rep. Pete Hoekstra
(R-PA), chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on
To date, some of the top media have refused to report this
story. They include:
CBS Evening News
CBS The Early Show
ABC World News Tonight
ABC Good Morning America
ABC Nightline
NBC Today
Los Angeles Times
USA Today
To date, some of the top media that have downplayed or dismissed the findings include:
CNN: Quoted Democrat Jane Harman, nothing new here, and weapons inspector Charles Duelfer that the ordinance did not constitute an ongoing WMD program.
NBC Nightly News: One senators new claim that weapons of mass destruction have been found.
MSNBC Countdown: They are WMD: weapons of minor discomfort.
New York Times: headline, For Diehards, Search for Saddam Hussein's Unconventional Weapons Isn't Over
Washington Post: Democrats criticize claim on Iraqi arms.
Associated Press: probably are so old they couldnt be used as designed
Knight Ridder Newspapers: no new evidence
Ironically, the one news agency that reported
the facts and quoted from the declassified report was the French
Agence France-Press. It noted that the weapons could be sold
on the black market and use of these weapons by terrorists or
insurgent groups would have implications for coalition forces in
Iraq. The possibility of use outside Iraq cannot be ruled out.
Experts agree that the WMD discussed in the report are older
weapons, not new ones generated in the late 1990s, but they do
nonetheless constitute WMD. As Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
said: They are weapons of mass destruction. They are harmful to
human beings. And they have been found. Therefore, no one can now
honestly claim there were no WMD in Iraq and the media must correct
the record.
The media have a major responsibility now to report the facts
about WMD in Iraq, said MRC President Brent Bozell. Those facts
now refute the no WMD claim, endlessly reported by the media and
exploited by political left-wingers anxious to ascribe evil motives
to the United States. If Iraq is the issue haunting America, as the
media claim, then the evidence of Iraqs WMD should bring some
rationality to that issue and some reassurance to the public. The
top media have a duty to report on this and not ignore it because it
doesnt fit their political agenda.
o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.9733.