Alexandria, VAIn his Worst Person in the
World! segments on MSNBCs Countdown, host Keith Olbermann
targets conservatives nearly 9 times more often than he targets
liberals, a new study by the Media Research Center confirms. This
reveals Mr. Olbermanns liberal bias despite his claims that his
journalism has nothing to do with a political point of view.
Since June 30, 2005, Olbermann has announced his daily picks for
Worse, Worser, and Worst Person in the World! The numbers show
that Olbermann targeted conservatives 174 times in the past 12
months, compared to just 23 instances when he complained about
liberals a nearly 9-to-1 disparity.
Curiously, Mr. Olbermann took 42 swipes at Fox News Channel host
Bill OReilly, Olbermanns direct competition. Other media
personalities targeted by Olbermann include:
Radio host Rush Limbaugh (11 times)
Author and columnist Ann Coulter (9)
Radio host Neal Boortz (3)
Radio host and CNN Headline News host Glenn Beck (3)
The New York Post (2)
Columnist Michelle Malkin (2), whom he rudely called crazier and dumber than we all thought and a nitwit.
Mr. Olbermann never mentioned Osama bin Laden as
Worst and slammed Saddam Hussein only twice.
The funniest thing Keith Olbermann has ever said is claiming he
shows no viewpoint on the air, said MRC President Brent Bozell.
The conservatives that Olbermann dislikes cant merely be wrong, or
overstated, they have to be mocked and caricatured as the most evil
figures on Earth.
A New Study: The "Worst" of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann
o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.