NBC And CBS Aiding and Abetting Anti-Conservative Hatred

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Late yesterday morning, an armed LGBT activist allegedly opened fire at the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters in Washington, DC with the intent to kill FRC staffers. He was subdued by a heroic FRC security officer who was shot in the arm by the alleged gunman. The FBI has classified the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism.

Neither NBC Nightly News nor CBS Evening News produced a full story on the FRC shooting, instead committing only 17 and 20 seconds respectively for anchor briefs that omitted the shooter’s motive. Only ABC World News produced a full report on this politically motivated act of violence.

Sources say the gunman walked into the FRC and said, “It’s not about you, it’s about the policy” and shot the guard. The FRC’s mission statement reads, in part, “FRC shapes public debate and formulates public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and family.”

The NBC and CBS omissions are merely the latest in a long pattern of the liberal media minimizing or spinning acts of hate and violence perpetrated by liberals. Some recent examples include:

- In the month of July alone there were five separate violent attacks against pro-lifers with ZERO coverage from ABC, CBS, and NBC. Instead the networks devoted a combined 101 stories to the Tom Cruise – Katie Holmes divorce.

- ABC, NBC, and CBS ignored anti-Semitism during the LA and New York Occupy Wall Street protests in October.

- ABC and NBC ignored 75 arrests during an Occupy Wall Street demonstration in Oakland, CA that, according to CBSNews.com, included “reports of a sex assault and a severe beating and fire.”

- ABC, NBC, and CBS ignored three separate incidents of anti-Christian vandalism – one in California, one in Missouri, and one in Maryland - committed against Chick-fil-A.

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:

The liberal media have repeatedly and deliberately turned a blind eye to the violent, hateful culture of liberalism, particularly their vicious attacks against those who advocate traditional Christian values and conservative principles. We saw it during their deceptive, romanticized coverage of Occupy Wall Street. We saw it again during their sneering, anti-Christian coverage of the Chick-fil-A controversy. And now we’re seeing it through NBC’s and CBS’s dismissive coverage of this senseless shooting at the FRC, which the FBI has classified as an act of domestic terrorism.

Imagine if, God forbid, this exact same thing had happened at a Planned Parenthood or the Southern Law Poverty Center, which labelled both Chick-fil-A and FRC hate groups. We’d be hearing an endless loop of stories about the danger of militant, hate-filled right wing wackos.

The liberal media have taken every opportunity imaginable to demonize conservatives, Tea Partiers, and Christians as violent and murderous. Whether it be the Gabriel Giffords shooting, the Aurora massacre, the suicide of a Kentucky census worker, or the IRS plane bomber, they’ve been wrong every single time. But they go right on lying about conservatives anyway.

In their effort to create a conservative bogeyman, they’ve created real liberal monsters. Their double standard is as dishonest and it is dangerous. Liberals claim they want to create a culture of tolerance. Instead the liberal media have created a culture that not only tolerates, but validates anti-Christian and anti-conservative violence.

Thank God for the bravery of the FRC security guard who had the courage to disarm this militant, hate-filled left wing wacko before this shooting turned into a massacre.


To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Jeremy Little - jlittle@crcpublicrelations.com (703)-683-5004