Statement by Brent Bozell, President, Media Research Center:
ABC News both TV and radio is stooping to new lows of ridiculous pessimism in the aftermath of Saddam Husseins capture by American forces. This network sounds like a homegrown version of al-Jazeera, highlighting every negative development and submerging every positive development in waves of yes-buts, so-whats, and blatant omissions.
Within an hour of the Saddam story breaking, ABCs Terry Moran was emphasizing how a trial of the Iraqi dictator would be 'embarrassing' for America. Yesterday, Charles Gibson repeated the U.S. embarrassment line, since we supported him for so long and gave him some of the instruments that he used to terrorize his people.
On Sunday night, Peter Jennings made a statement thats absolutely amazing in its self-delusion. After viewers saw Iraqis cheering and waving banners in the streets all day, Jennings said: People have suggested to us today, theres not a good deal for Iraqis to be happy about at the moment. Thats not just biased. Its an absolute failure to report the truth.
ABC is so anti-Bush, it actually suppressed news about its own poll, showing improving approval ratings for the President. Instead, it emphasized that most Americans dont believe Saddams capture means the job is done there. ABC is not reporting honestly, objectively, and in good faith.
To schedule an interview with Mr. Bozell, or another MRC spokesperson, contact
Katie Wright at (703)-683-5004, ext. 132.