Media Research Center Launches $2.8 Million Campaign to Force the Media TO TELL THE TRUTH! - Press Release - June 18, 2004 - Media Research Center

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ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today announced a $2.8 million campaign, Tell the Truth! 04, to reach 50 million Americans every week between now and the end of the year with evidence of the liberal bias permeating the media.

This unprecedented campaign will reach 50 million people every week through a multitude of outlets. The public will be informed as to the medias liberal bias as never before, Bozell said. Day after day, night after night, the news media question, denounce, or just plain ignore the good news. They want higher taxes to fund massive new federal spending for more liberal experiments like socialized health care. They want America and the world to see our military as corrupt and barbaric and failing. And theyll denounce anyone or anything that stands in the way of that message.

Key Elements Of The Campaign

  • Full page and billboard ads in top media markets.

  • Tens of thousands of bumper stickers, coffee mugs, pens, t-shirts with the Tell the Truth! slogan attached.

  • Daily email CyberAlerts.

  • Weekly fax report: Worst of the Week (WOW) which will identify the most egregious bias.

  • Media Reality Check fax reports exposing bias trends.

  • Several Special Reports, such as the recent report documenting the hostility of the media to the policies of Ronald Reagan that they now acknowledge were monumental achievements.

  • Four studies to be released by the MRCs Free Market Project documenting the medias agenda against the food industry; in favor of higher taxes and greater environmental activism; and against tort reform.

  • Special features on, a site dedicated to bias in the New York Times.

Bozells Indictment Of The Media: Where The Media Have Failed To Give Comprehensive Coverage Of Positive News

The Economy

  • Ten straight months of economic growth.

  • 1.4 million new jobs since last August.

  • The U.S. economy has grown faster over the past four quarters than any time in the past 20 years.

The War on Terrorism/Afghanistan

  • Terrorist regime in Afghanistan has been toppled.

  • Afghanistan is a free country that will hold democratic elections in September.

  • Hundreds of al Qaeda operatives captured or killed.

The War on Terrorism/Iraq

  • Saddam Husseins murderous regime has been toppled.

  • Hussein has been captured and will stand trial in Iraq.

  • Iraqis will assume control of their country June 30.

  • Democratic elections will be held early next year.

The Tell the Truth! campaign will provide the public with unprecedented devastating evidence that they are being misinformed and misled by the establishment media in this country, Bozell said.

Related Item:
Bozell Statement

Mr. Bozell is the author of the forthcoming book, Weapons of Mass Distortion, which is due out in early July. To schedule interviews with Mr. Bozell or other MRC spokesmen contact Katie Wright at (703)-683-5004, ext. 132.