Press Releases

ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- The Media Research Center today released its report card for network war coverage, issuing grades for overall network reporting, anchors, embedded reporters and Baghdad reporters. Fox News Channel led the networks while Foxs Brit Hume, CNNs Wolf Blitzer and CBSs Dan Rather had the best grades among the anchors. Among the worst grades were those given to ABC News anchor Peter Jennings and NBC/MSNBC reporter Peter Arnett, who was actually fired for his propaganda-like comments in an interview with Iraqi television. Fox News did the best job of all the networks, and Fox anchors Brit Hume and... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement today, in the aftermath of shocking revelations made last week by CNN Executive News Chief Eason Jordan. Mr. Jordan revealed CNN withheld a great deal of information about the regime of Saddam Hussein and the plight of the Iraqi people in order to maintain its access to officials in the Hussein regime. CNNs credibility is crushed. From Peter Arnett during Gulf War I to CNNs promotion of anti-war protests in Gulf War II; and from the Operation Tailwind non-story scandal to CNNs shameless pro-Castro reporting from Havana,... continue reading
Alexandria, VA Augusta National Golf Club representative Jim McCarthy has responded to the New York Times Sunday editorial, the most recent in a series of Times attacks on the home of the Masters which opens Thursday. Martha Burk of the National Council of Women's Organizations has been pressing Augusta to renounce its all-male club status and admit women, a cause the Times has vociferously advocated in both news stories and editorials. The Augusta rep's response took the newspaper to task for being grossly biased and one-sided, and is available exclusively at the Media Research Center's Times Watch web site (... continue reading
Alexandria, VAOn Thursday March 27th the Media Research Center , Americas Media Watchdog, will host its annual Dishonors Awards Dinner at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C. This year the MRC will roast the most outrageous reporting from 2002. WHAT: MRC 2003 DISHONORS AWARDS WHEN: MARCH 27th at 6:00pm Eastern WHO: Host Brent Bozell; Master of Ceremonies Cal Thomas; Award Presenters Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham; Award Acceptors Wayne LaPierre, Rich Lowry, Stephen Moore, and Judge Robert Bork. WHERE: Omni Shoreham Hotel Regency Ballroom 2500 Calvert Street NW Washington, D.C. To more information on the MRC, and... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell has written new CNN Chairman Jim Walton, informing him the MRCs analysis of CNNs coverage of anti-war protests this past weekend reveals CNN was biased and made virtually no effort to provide context. I regret that my first communication to you as the new chairman of the CNN News Group must be to alert you to the biased nature of CNNs coverage of war protests. This regret is tempered, however, by the hope that under your leadership, the kind of coverage aired over the weekend will not be repeated, Bozell wrote... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- The Media Research Center released a new study today documenting ABC Newss biased war coverage. In examining 234 ABC World News Tonight stories that aired from January 1 through March 7, MRC analysts found the network failed to keep the promise that ABC News President David Westin made in January to offer objective reporting on the crisis. ABC News has consistently crusaded against what anchor Peter Jennings called the arrogant power of the United States. This only serves to distort the news and mislead the American public, which is about the worst possible thing any news organization... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Yesterday, in a well publicized announcement MSNBC, cancelled Donahue and its in-your-face liberalism after six months of plummeting ratings. The show lasted a whopping 223 days. MSNBC put this show on the air to attract a large liberal audience to compete with the OReilly Factor on Fox. Unfortunately it didnt work. The size of Donahues audience could fit into a Volkswagen bus, said L. Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Center. In November MSNBC tried to tweak the program by putting Donahue in front of a live audience in New York instead of in a New... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell lambasted ABC News for its decision to put well-known Clinton crony and liberal apologist Rick Kaplan in charge of its war coverage, which has already proven to be hostile toward the U.S. The man who made CNN into the Clinton News Network will now direct ABCs (anti-) war coverage, Bozell said. Both Peter Jennings and White House correspondent Terry Moran have already undermined ABCs credibility with their continuous, often gratuitous, attacks on President Bush and the war effort. Kaplan will turn ABC News into a nightly picket-line showcase of anti-war liberals... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- The Media Research Center took network news anchors and correspondents to task today for their one-sided and biased coverage of President Bush's tax cut proposals. The MRC reviewed network news stories of Bush's new economic stimulus plan and found the same bias it did when it studied economic coverage this past summer. "The networks are carrying the liberal line of attack against President Bush's tax cut by saying only the rich will benefit. What the networks don't tell viewers is that 96 percent of the taxes in this country are paid by people who make $27,682 or... continue reading
The Best Notable Quotables of 2002 The 15th Annual Awards For The Years Worst Reporting ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- The Media Research Center today released its Best Notable Quotables of 2002, The 15th Annual Awards For The Years Worst Reporting . The winners were selected by 52 judges including renowned columnists, talk show hosts, editorial page editors, editorial writers, authors and editorial cartoonists. Media Hero Award Barbara Walters, ABC News: For Castro, freedom starts with education, and if literacy alone were the yardstick, Cuba would rank as one of the freest nations on earth. 20/20 , ABC, 10/11/02. Good Morning Morons... continue reading