Press Releases

ALEXANDRIA, VA -- Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, has called on Americans to stop conservative Ann Coulters hate words. But when that campaign hired two hateful, anti-Christian bigots as official bloggers, Mrs. Edwards did not object and the campaign decided to give them a fair shake, as John Edwards said. The bloggers resigned in February only after their bigoted writings were exposed by other bloggers and conservative talk radio, causing a huge embarrassment. ABC, CBS, and NBC interviewed Elizabeth Edwards this morning to allow her to further complain about Coulters hate words, but none mentioned the... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA -- Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, arranged a call-in Tuesday to MSNBCs Hardball , hosted by Chris Matthews, and criticized conservative author Ann Coulter for peddling hatefulness and ugliness and repeatedly asked Coulter to stop the personal attacks. Today, on her husbands blog, Mrs. Edwards calls on people to help stop Coulters hate words, the words of bigotry and division, to help drum out the hate-mongers from amongst us. In response to Mrs. Edwards comments, MRC President Brent Bozell issued the following statement: Elizabeth Edwards should look close to home when it comes to... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA -- Bill Dedman, investigative reporter for, published a story today that documents, through Federal Election Commission records, the political contributions of 144 journalists from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign. The facts show: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes while only 17 journalists gave to Republicans; another 2 gave to both parties. In response to the report, MRC President Brent Bozell issued the following statement: This story re-confirms what weve been documenting for yearsthat most of Americas newsrooms are infested with liberals and that this mindset, in countless ways, spills over into the... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA How dare a successful conservative businessman actually try to buy a major newspaper? That's the attitude many journalists have taken about Rupert Murdoch's bid to buy the Wall Street Journal . The media, including the union representing many reporters and editors at the Journal , have openly opposed Murdoch, calling him a meddler and questioning his editorial integrity. The Journal 's union, IAPE Local 1096 of the Newspaper Guild Communications Workers of America, even recruited left-wing billionaires to come up with other bids for the paper. Clinton ally Ron Burkle is one of what the union calls "billionaires... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - While filling-in for Regis Philbin on Live with Regis and Kelly today, Bryant Gumbel actually boasted about once calling conservative culture-critic Robert Knight a f***ing idiot (Gumbel used the actual word) at the end of a June 29, 2000 interview on CBSs The Early Show about whether gays should work as scoutmasters in the Boy Scouts. (Mr. Knight, then with the Family Research Council, is now the director of the MRCs Culture and Media Institute.) After the first incident, the Media Research Center called on Mr. Gumbel to apologize. He remained silent. His employer, CBS, incredulously claimed... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VAThe U.S. Defense Department released photos last week of an al-Qaeda torture chamber in Iraq, which showed various torture toolsblow torches, meat cleavers, hammers, drills, metal filesdrawings of torture methods, and photos of actual victims found in another house in Karmah who had been burned, mutilated, and tortured in myriad ways. To their credit, CNN and Fox News Channel ran stories on the declassified material. Yet nine days since the material was released, neither ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times nor The Washington Post has run a story with the photos of this shocking evidence of al-Qaedas barbarism... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA -- L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center, and Robert Knight, director of the MRCs Culture and Media Institute, called on Time-Warners management today to take responsibility for talk-show host Bill Maher of HBOs Real Time with Bill Maher over Mahers on-air explicit sexual mockery of Scripture and Catholic theology. Mahers comments, first detailed on, started with a verbal assault on Jerry Falwell three days after Mr. Falwells death, and then escalated into a vicious attack on Christianity in general and Roman Catholicism in particular. Maher: We werent having sex, officer, I was performing... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA Jerry Falwell, the television evangelist, Moral Majority founder, and long-time leader in the conservative movement, died today at the age of 73. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement about Rev. Falwell: Rev. Jerry Falwell gave his heart and soul to his family, his faith and his country. This is obvious when one looks at the decades of work he completed to grow his ministry, nurture his university, and advance the conservative movement throughout the culture and in politics. Rev. Falwell was a great leader who helped organize grassroots conservatives across America, and who was... continue reading
Alexandria, Va. The cover story of the May 14 issue of TIME magazine claims to name the 100 most influential men and women shaping our world, but it excludes the President of the United States, George W. Bush. In response to TIME s exclusion of listing the President, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement: TIME s exclusion of the President from its top 100 list is a deliberate and transparent slap at President Bush, the leader of the most powerful country in the world. One can agree or disagree with President Bushs policies, but there is... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA On Thursday, May 3, NBC will use the ultra-liberal Keith Olbermann to co-anchor pre- and post-coverage of the GOP debate, alongside Chris Matthews, on MSNBC. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell denounces NBC for presenting such a notoriously biased and partisan propagandist as an objective anchorman. Keith Olbermann is an avowed enemy of the Republican Party, stated L. Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, yet NBC and MSNBC give him a microphone and turn a blind eye to his ultra-liberal, propagandist personal agenda. If they wanted to provide balanced coverage of the debate, why not pair... continue reading