MRC Celebrates NewsBusters' Success, Five Year Anniversary

Alexandria, VA - In the summer of 2005 the Media Research Center (MRC) launched a pivotal project that would quickly transform the speed and breadth of exposing liberal media bias into real-time documentation:

Within 24 hours, top talker Rush Limbaugh raved to his millions of listeners that "NewsBusters rocks" and today, five years later, the award-winning blog has become a hub for conservative media personalities who daily cite and source its work.

The blog has authored more than 40,000 posts that have generated more than 1.2 million comments; produced the recurring political comedy show NewsBusted; and created a community of more than 40 around-the-clock contributing analysts including Charlie Daniels and other notables. NewsBusters has become the online clearinghouse for instantaneous evidence of liberal media bias and is backed by the MRC's gargantuan archive of more than 390,000 hours of broadcast and cable news recordings dating back to 1987.

"NewsBusters has become a critical component to the mission of the Media Research Center" stated MRC President Brent Bozell. "Before a newscast is even complete, Americans have hard evidence, video and analysis of the latest liberal slant - and the real story - at their fingertips It is an invaluable tool in exposing the so-called 'news' media and I look forward to what the next five years will bring."

The blog is also the recipient of several notable distinctions including the "Top 10 Independently-Owned Websites in 2008" as ranked by comScore Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) and Technorati named it the #8 top U.S. Political Blog as recently as last week.

To commemorate the anniversary, the MRC has launched several initiatives:

Identified the Top 25 Best Posts, broken down by category:

Happy Hour in Washington DC

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