All three networks on Thursday covered the abrupt reversal of the United States Senate on the Keystone XL Pipeline. In the wake of the devastating midterm losses last week, Democrats are allowing a vote. NBC's Today, unlike ABC's Good Morning America and CBS This Morning , ignored the fact that the vote is a transparent attempt to save Senator Mary Landrieu, currently struggling in a Louisiana runoff election. On Today , Natalie Morales noted that there could be a vote "on a bill to build the controversial pipeline." After explaining that Barack Obama may still veto it, she added, "The... continue reading
After a video of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber declaring that the health care law only passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter" went viral over the weekend, the Big Three broadcasts networks were initially silent. However, on Thursday, CBS This Morning finally noticed the scandal as co-host Charlie Rose informed viewers: "A new controversy stirring this morning over the Affordable Care Act. An architect of President Obama's health care law says it was written to take advantage of what he calls 'voter stupidity.'" Rose noted that "Republicans are fuming and the adviser is backpedaling" as he turned to... continue reading
Major broadcast network NBC broke its silence and joined fellow networks ABC and CBS on Wednesday night in covering the news that the Alaska Senate race has been called with Republican challenger Dan Sullivan being declared the winner over Democratic incumbent Senator Mark Begich. NBC Nightly News aired a 23-second news brief on the election result, which gives the GOP at least 53 Senate seats in the next Congress, with a 54th seat possible if Republican Congressman and challenger Bill Cassidy defeats Democratic incumbent Senator Mary Landrieu in the runoff election on December 6 in Louisiana. [MP3 audio here ;... continue reading
During Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News , NBC’s chief environmental affairs correspondent Anne Thompson enthusiastically promoted the global warming agreement between the United States and China that was announced earlier in the day, but fretted that Republicans were “already putting up roadblocks if congressional action is needed.” Anchor Brian Williams hyped that it was “[a] surprise announcement” and “a history making deal” that will “greatly reduce carbon emissions.” Those generous descriptions segued into Thompson’s report as she mentioned that deal was between the two nations that were responsible for “producing 39 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases last year." [MP3 audio... continue reading
ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening newscasts on Wednesday glossed over the radical left-wing ideology of the Turkish protesters who assaulted three U.S. sailors in Istanbul earlier in the day. ABC's Martha Raddatz reported that the "the attackers [are] members of an ultra-nationalist group called the Turkish Youth Union, angry at what it calls 'American imperialism.' " NBC's Brian Williams underlined that "these were apparently the actions of a fringe group ." Most bizarrely, CBS's David Martin mentioned that " the anti-American student group ....pushed and pelted...[the sailors, who] briefly had hoods slipped over their heads. Hoods have become an ugly... continue reading
On Wednesday night, ABC News continued to promote a new book with the “astonishing” claim that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had two children together with a flattering one-and-a-half minute segment on ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir . Anchor David Muir began by stating that it “has sparked a fiery debate among the faithful” while ABC News chief foreign correspondent Terry Moran characterized the book’s central premise as an “astonishing and, to many, blasphemous claim” that “Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had two sons with her, is history.” [MP3 audio here ; Video below] Moran and Muir... continue reading
During a discussion on MSNBC’s The Cycle about the disparaging comments ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber made about the law’s passage and the “stupidity” of voters, New York Times writer and substitute Cycle co-host Josh Barro sought to defend him by blasting the expectations that Americans have about health care as “completely incoherent” and lying was the only solution to make them happy. Barro told fellow panelists and guest Lauren Fox of National Journal that “what drives me crazy about this story” is “Jonathan Gruber was right. Public opinion on health care policy is just completely incoherent.” [MP3 audio here ;... continue reading
On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Obama would award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former NBC Nightly News anchor and current special correspondent Tom Brokaw – among other 2014 recipients. Today news anchor Natalie Morales touted the announcement on Tuesday, noting: "Obama said in a statement, these citizens have made extraordinary contributions to our country and the world." Brokaw has repeatedly taken the opportunity to boost or defend Barack Obama throughout his presidency. That made it no surprise that the commander-in-chief would want to reward such a loyal media supporter. In fact, it would not be the... continue reading
Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press , appeared on NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show on Tuesday November 11, to promote his new book “The Stranger: Barack Obama in the White House.” During his appearance, the NBC host defended Obama’s 2008 speech in which then-candidate Obama claimed “bitter Americans” “cling to guns or religion.” Todd argued that Obama’s “just observing the way an anthropologist would observe a society.” Todd’s defense of Obama came in response to a caller to the show who argued: One asks why Obama is so aloof, so cool, so withdrawn, so... continue reading
All three networks on Wednesday offered excited descriptions about a global warming deal struck with China by the Obama administration. According to Good Morning America 's Jim Avila, the President's Asian visit was supposed to end with "toasts to the landmark global warming agreement." In a follow-up story, Amy Robach parroted the President's claim that it is a "breakthrough climate deal with China." On CBS This Morning , Norah O'Donnell hyped, "President Obama will arrive in Myanmar this hour after striking a major deal with China on climate change." Today Correspondent Kristen Welker added that "it's all a part of... continue reading