
On Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 , CNN's Dana Bash pointed the finger at Senator Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans for the "dysfunction" in the federal government. Bash asserted that " Democrats probably rightly have a complaint that the reason the Senate isn't working is because Mitch McConnell and the opposition made it so ." [MP3 audio available here ; video below ] Moments earlier, the correspondent forwarded a liberal talking point about the GOP's midterms victories – that " this is going to be a true test for Republicans on whether they can get beyond just winning in politics, and... continue reading
During his post-election news conference, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was repeatedly pressed by CBS News reporter Nancy Cordes about “a new crop of conservatives coming into the House” who she implied Boehner would have trouble managing. The CBS reporter asked Boehner “so the hell no caucus as you’ve put it is getting bigger and some of them don’t think you’re conservative enough. How do you deal with them differently than you did in the last Congress?” Cordes began her questioning by listing off some new members of Congress “who have suggested among other things that women need to submit... continue reading
The journalists at Good Morning America on Thursday spun Barack Obama's post-midterm press conference as "taking his medicine," hyping a jokey response by the President about having a drink with incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. In contrast, on Wednesday night's World News , Jon Karl highlighted Obama's aggressive style, noting, "But [the President] offered no sign that he has a mea culpa or a desire to change course. No apologies from the President today." But the reference to a lack of an apology was cut from Thursday's GMA . Instead, co-host George Stephanopoulos opined, "President Obama took his medicine... continue reading
On election night, the PBS program Charlie Rose had an all-liberal panel to whine about the Democratic Party’s electoral losses throughout the country and complain that President Obama didn’t tout his political agenda throughout the campaign season. During the discussion, Bloomberg View ’s Al Hunt argued that "this is the most content free election I`ve ever seen. The Republicans basically ran totally against Barack Obama… the Republicans have been nothing but negative." The segment began with liberal historian Doris Kearns Goodwin lamenting how President Obama has lost the bully pulpit that existed under FDR that he needs to sell his... continue reading
On Thursday's NBC Today , White House correspondent Chris Jansing blamed Republicans for upsetting the supposed conciliatory mood in Washington following Tuesday's GOP midterm wave: "Well, what looked to be at least a temporary truce between President Obama and Congress lasted less than 24 hours. Republican leaders now say the focus of the new Congress will be to repeal the President's signature accomplishment, ObamaCare. That after the President struck an optimistic tone in his post-election press conference." She portrayed Obama as peacemaker: "He didn't promise any changes to his style or his staff, but he said he got the voters'... continue reading
The latest in the annals of hyperventilating, far-left, excessive environmental panic turned into personal demonization. When results came in Tuesday night which put Republicans into the majority in the Senate, “Americans had turned their backs on the planet,” Dan Kennedy claimed in a Wednesday post on the WGBH News site . In the piece on the site run by Boston’s PBS station, headlined, “ Why The Midterms Could Prove To Be A Disaster for The Planet ,” Kennedy, an associate professor of journalism at Northeastern University (which explains a lot about the liberal assumptions held by so many journalists), fretted:... continue reading
During MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes , the show’s panel fretted over the droves of Democrats that ran campaigns against President Barack Obama in the midterm elections (instead of embracing him) and that led The Nation ’s Katrina vanden Heuvel to wonder if such a tactic affected turnout among certain demographics due to “the dissing of a President.” Vanden Heuvel first brought up an article where Democratic leadership in Congress sought the President’s help on something (she said it was legislation; the New York Times story she referred to cited ambassadorship approvals) only to be refused any help to... continue reading
President Obama’s problem is that he’s surrounded by sycophants who tell him what he wants to hear, not what he needs to hear. That was the post-election analysis of none other than… Chris Matthews?! That’s right, the tingly-legged, Obama-boosting Hardball host made the argument on colleague Alex Wagner’s November 5 Now program. Matthews was reacting to the tone of Mr. Obama’s day-after-election news conference, which he kicked off with a comment about two-thirds of the nation’s voters having stayed home. "There’s something in this guy that just plays to his constituency and acts like there’s no other world out there,"... continue reading
NBC’s Chuck Todd recognized what even the President doesn’t seem to get. That the Republican landslide on Election Day should’ve “put an end” to Barack Obama acting alone on immigration reform via an executive order. Appearing on MSNBC’s live election night coverage the Meet the Press host agreed with Republican strategist Steve Schmidt that if Obama bypassed the Republican congress on immigration reform it would look like “Caesarism.” Todd added: “The president is going to know that if he does this, he is starting a war, political war in Washington between the White House and the Republican congress.” The question... continue reading
TVNewser's Mark Joyella spotlighted in a Wednesday post how MSNBC managing editor Ilyas Kirmani, the former executive producer for Tamron Hall's NewsNation program, reacted continue reading