The debate over Barack Obama's planned executive order on illegal immigration has continued to grow, but CBS is ignoring the President's glaring flip-flop, his repeated claims that he doesn't have the "legal" power to take such action. ABC and NBC both covered Obama's past admissions, but only briefly. In 2014, NBC allowed 12 seconds and ABC a meager 91 seconds. On February 14, 2013, the President conceded, "I'm the President of the United States. I'm not the emperor of the United States." He added, "My job is to execute laws that are passed." On September 17, 2013, Obama bluntly said... continue reading
On Thursday's NBC Today , co-host Savannah Guthrie framed President Obama's upcoming executive order granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants as him simply keeping his word: "President Obama will address the nation tonight on the hot-button issue of immigration reform, planning to make good on a progress – a promise to sidestep Congress and take executive action." Moments later, correspondent Peter Alexander declared: "The President is committed and tonight in primetime he's going to announce his action, after Congress's failure to approve a comprehensive immigration reform bill. Frustrated that Washington's let America's immigration crisis to fester for decades, tonight... continue reading
On Wednesday, the White House announced that President Obama is scheduled to issue an executive action on Thursday night that could potentially prevent up to 5 million illegal immigrants from being deported. While the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks have all reported on the president’s immigration proposals, CBS is the only network to not mention that President Obama has flip-flopped on having the power to issue such an executive order. During two reports on Wednesday’s CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley and Thursday’s CBS This Morning, Major Garrett, CBS News Chief White House Correspondent, failed to inform his... continue reading
On Wednesday night, CBS and NBC promoted the White House talking point that previous presidential actions on immigration gives President Barack Obama the proper legal authority to enact executive amnesty the evening before a primetime address to the nation on the topic. At no point during the coverage on either network did their reporters mention that this justification is being used despite the President’s previous assertions that he did not have the proper legal means to carry out any sort of mass-reaching executive order on illegal immigration. [MP3 audio here ; Video below] The CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley... continue reading
According to MSNBC, as long as you tout left-wing talking points, it doesn't matter what kind of conspiracy theories you subscribe to. Ronan Farrow on Wednesday hyped the "fascinating" views of Jesse Ventura on Wednesday, including his opposition to building the Keystone pipeline. Farrow delicately ignored Ventura's long-standing embrace of 9/11 trutherism , his support for the idea that the CIA (or LBJ ) killed John F. Kenedy and his contention that American citizens are about to be rounded up in prison camps . Instead, regarding Keystone, Farrow enthused over the former Minnesota's "strong take" on the Keystone vote, adding,... continue reading
Wednesday's CBS This Morning played up how "the Vatican is under fire from the mother of a woman who ended her own life." Jan Crawford's spotlighted Deborah Ziegler's " sharply-worded letter " to opponents of euthanasia, especially Pope Francis and the Catholic Church. Ziegler's daughter, Brittany Maynard, committed suicide on November 1, 2014, after being diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, and became the face of the pro-euthanasia movement during her final days. Anchor Gayle King teased Crawford's report by pointing out that " Maynard's mom fights back , after a top Vatican official criticized her daughter's decision." Co-anchor Norah O'Donnell... continue reading
While NBC Nightly News has failed to mention Jonathan Gruber's scandalous comments about ObamaCare for eleven days, Comedy Central's fake newsman Jon Stewart devoted eight minutes to the controversy on The Daily Show Tuesday night. After playing various clips of Gruber crediting passage of the health care law on the "stupidity of the American voter," Stewart went a step further by playing a 2006 soundbite of then-Senator Barack Obama hailing Gruber as one of the "brightest minds" at the liberal-leaning Brookings Institution. Other media clips detailed Gruber's central role as the architect of ObamaCare. Stewart joked: "The White House cafeteria... continue reading
In a surprising twist, ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday grilled Barack Obama for flip-flopping on whether he has the legal authority to issue an executive order on immigration. Before playing a clip of Jon Karl pressing White House press secretary Josh Earnest, George Stephanopoulos pointed out: "...The President has suggested in the past that he doesn't have the kind of power to do this on his own." Karl agreed, noting that Obama "has repeatedly said in some very colorful ways that he doesn't have power to do it." The report then featured a February 2013 clip of the President... continue reading
Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press , appeared on Newsmax TV’s The Steve Malzberg Show on Tuesday, November 18 to discuss a variety of issues including the existence of liberal media bias. Speaking specifically on the lack of network news coverage surrounding the Jonathan Gruber controversy, Todd dismissed Malzberg’s assertion that this was an example of media bias and argued “I’m not saying it’s not a story. Look, I’m not in charge of any of those network newscasts. But what is the news today of that? It’s a political story.” What Todd failed to... continue reading
While all three major broadcast networks covered the failed vote in the U.S. Senate to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline on Tuesday night, ABC and NBC neglected to mention that political motivations were behind the vote to aid the reelection efforts of vulnerable Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana that will take place on December 6. After previously being held up in the Senate for years, the vote was finally allowed early Tuesday night and fell one vote short of the 60 votes needed for passage as only 14 Democratic Senators joined with all 45 Republicans to approve the measure... continue reading