On Tuesday night, NBC Nightly News continued its streak of ignoring comments made by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber into an 11th day while ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir finally brought up Gruber’s comments on the “stupidity of the American voter” and the need for “lack of transparency” to get ObamaCare passed. Anchor David Muir discussed the story for one minute and 16 seconds with ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl and described the situation as a “controversy” and labeled Gruber as “one of the architects of ObamaCare” two days after President Obama brushed off Gruber as... continue reading
On Monday's AC360 on CNN, retired Lt. General Russel Honor é rebuked the media's coverage of the ongoing controversy surrounding the police shooting of Michael Brown. Anderson Cooper raised how a liberal legal analyst contended that Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's activation of the National Guard, in anticipation of a grand jury decision on the case, was an " escalation of this military-style approach that didn't work in the first place ." He then asked, " Do you agree with that – that it could, in some ways, do more harm than – than good? " General Honor é , who... continue reading
In a Tuesday article , Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik examined the reason behind Fox News beating every other TV news outlet in the ratings – including NBC, ABC and CBS – during November 4 midterm election coverage: "...it's time to think seriously about what that says about Fox, CNN, MSNBC, the state of network news today and the role TV plays or doesn't play in providing us with reliable, trustworthy information." Zurawik offered one possible explanation: I think one of the reasons for this latest evolution of ratings dominance might be that Fox was a far better watchdog... continue reading
A former adviser to Barack Obama on Tuesday overturned the media narrative, promoted by the President, that Jonathan Gruber was an unimportant, minor figure. The New York Times on Tuesday insisted in an editorial , "Republicans are crowing over Mr. Gruber’s remarks because he has been portrayed as a major architect of the health reform law. In truth, his role was limited." The health care operative has repeatedly bragged about fooling "stupid" Americans. The paper's editors lectured, "His comments should not be taken as evidence that the reform law was hatched in secrecy and foisted on the public by trickery."... continue reading
Appearing on Fox News's Special Report Monday, columnist Charles Krauthammer suggested that the reason President Obama waited a week to comment on the Jonathan Gruber ObamaCare scandal was because the White House knew it could count on the liberal media to ignore the story: "...they've had six years experience of the press essentially conspiring with them....the administration issues statements, it uses Gruber reports, it's echoed by their minions in the press , then repeated by Democrats as if this is objective evidence..." Krauthammer explained: "I think that they calculated the President could go a week without talking about it and... continue reading
On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Jonathan Gruber, one of the architects of ObamaCare, made more than a dozen visits to visit the White House since “Democrats began drafting the law in 2009.” Despite the latest developments in the Gruber controversy, which contradicts President Obama’s line that Gruber was “some advisor who never worked on our staff,” CBS This Morning was the only network morning show to mention the report, giving it a mere 24 seconds during its Tuesday morning broadcast. ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today ignored the Journal’s report altogether. Since the story broke November... continue reading
National Review ’s Jonah Goldberg went on a tear on Monday’s Special Report with Bret Baier , connecting the circles of lies by the White House and Jonathan Gruber that had impact thanks to liberal journalists. Goldberg charged that, in the lead up to the ObamaCare vote, Gruber was “being touted around through a transmission belt of liberal journalists, who all are all pretending to be objective analysts too, quoting each other, reaffirming each other, all with the help of the White House which went along with this soup to nuts – a process which this guy says was all... continue reading
During his MSNBC show All In on Monday night, Chris Hayes unleashed a nine-minute monologue in light of the Jonathan Gruber videos to defend what he saw as an assault on ObamaCare by Republicans and went as far as comparing ObamaCare’s passage to that of the Rosetta space probe that landed on a comet on November 12. Hayes hailed what transpired in 2009 and 2010 as “a remarkable and improbable legislative success story, possible one of the greatest of our time” and “about as likely as landing a tiny rover on moving comet, hurdling through space hundreds of millions of... continue reading
On Monday, ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir and NBC Nightly News continued to ignore the news surrounding videos unearthed of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber praising “lack of transparency” as a “political advantage” and insulting voters as stupid regarding the law’s passage and contents. With tonight’s omissions, the blackout of coverage on Gruber from these two programs now stands at ten days. Thus far, ABC has only mentioned Gruber once since the first video surfaced on November 7 and it was saved for its Sunday morning political talk show This Week with George Stephanopoulos . When it comes to... continue reading
According to a MSNBC host, the racist outbursts of the '70s character Archie Bunker can be felt in opposition to the President's amnesty plan. Ninety two year-old producer Norman Lear appeared on Monday's edition of The Cycle and journalist Blake Zeff sneered, "I think Archie Bunker still resonates today because you still have people in America who think the way Archie did." Earlier, fellow co-host Abby Huntsman noted that people "saw Archie Bunker as a racist." Zeff added, "You look at immigration, the kind of debate we're having right now in this country. What would Archie have thought of the... continue reading