Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press , just released his latest book The Stranger: Barack Obama In the White House chronicling the Democrat’s first six years as president. While much of the book details the numerous political battles the administration was engaged in, three excerpts from the book are quite striking. Not only does Chuck Todd concede that MSNBC is openly leftist, the NBC host writes that “perhaps most frustrating to Team Obama was that even their allies weren’t always allies.” For example: In the intervening four years, Gibbs, Pfeiffer, and Axelrod, all veteran... continue reading
Early Wednesday morning, Republican Dan Sullivan officially defeated incumbent Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska) more than a week after Election Day. With the victory, the GOP now has 53 Senate seats and could pick up a 54th seat if Congressman Bill Cassidy (R-La.) defeats incumbent Senator Mary Landrieu (D-La.) in December’s runoff election. Despite the GOP victory, NBC’s Today ignored the story altogether during its Wednesday morning broadcast but found time to talk about the world’s largest corn maze. In total, NBC devoted 1 minute and 3 seconds to the corn maze and while ABC and CBS did discuss Republican Dan... continue reading
On Tuesday, NBC Nightly News channeled President Barack Obama from the day after the midterm elections and pointed to the low voter turnout for the election that saw Republicans gain control of the United States Senate as well as make additional gains in the House of Representatives. In a news brief, anchor Brian Williams highlighted the latest turnout estimate for “last week’s wave election for the GOP” as being “very bad” at “36.3 percent.” Williams noted that it would be the lowest in both “the modern era” and “since 1942, when a unified and occupied nation” was engaged in World... continue reading
Following a story on campaign spending ahead of the midterm elections on October 30, CBS News congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes filed a similar report on Tuesday night’s CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley with the topic focusing specifically on the “dark money groups” that are not required to disclose their donors. In setting up Cordes’s story, anchor Scott Pelley pivoted from a report on corruption and brutal crackdowns by the authoritarian Communist regime in China to saying that “[w]ell, government even in America is becoming murkier because of campaign finance laws that have become nearly a free-for-all.” When the report... continue reading
With the GOP set to officially take control of the United States Senate in January, Politico decided it was the perfect time to play up Democrats’ criticism of Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), incoming Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, for being “the Hill’s most flamboyant critic of climate research.” In a piece published on November 10, authors Elana Schor and Alexander Burns promoted how “Democrats aspire to make Inhofe the face of GOP knownothingism, while at least one Republican consultant says his style of skepticism could create headaches for candidates up and down the ticket... continue reading
On Tuesday's NBC Today , co-host Matt Lauer and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd began writing Barack Obama's political obituary, but did so in the most sympathetic way possible. Lauer cited a line from Todd's new book on the President: "And you write that in the foreseeable future, quote, 'He [Obama] will be a president whose potential wasn't realized.' He came to Washington promising to bridge the political divide, change the discourse. Has that been his biggest failure?" Todd replied: "I think when you look at it, that was the great promise of Barack Obama. The guy in 2004... continue reading
In March, all three networks heralded a " sign-up surge " in ObamaCare numbers ahead of a deadline. Yet, when the administration announced on Monday that the number of people who enroll in the program will be " significantly lower by the end of next year ," ABC, CBS and NBC ignored the downbeat forecast. Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer announced, "The Obama administration once again moving its target on ObamaCare...The government, tonight, is rolling back on expectations on the number of Americans who will sign up and that could have consequences." [MP3 audio here. ] In contrast, on March... continue reading
On Tuesday morning, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” appeared on CBS This Morning to promote his new book, and used his platform as an opportunity to trash individuals who question the existence of manmade climate change. Speaking about his book “Undeniable: Evolution and the science of creation” Nye argued that “it's not a coincidence that the creationists also deny climate change. It's a really important thing.” After discussing Nye’s recent debate with creationist Ken Ham, co-host Norah O’Donnell hyped how “the Pope recently addressed this issue, and he said 'God is not a magician. Evolution in nature does not conflict... continue reading
During his MSNBC program on Monday night, Chris Matthews referred to a weekend gathering of the Israeli American Council (IAC) that is backed by Las Vegas casino owner and Republican donor Sheldon Adelson as his own “whore bar” where Republican figures “ say anything for that guy, because he’s a hawk, to get his money.” Matthews made the disparaging comments during a discussion with The Washington Post ’s Jonathan Capehart and David Corn of Mother Jones about foreign policy and his belief that some in the Republican Party are eager to start a war with Iran. [MP3 audio here ;... continue reading
On Friday, the group American Commitment uploaded a video to YouTube of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber telling a group of healthcare economists in 2013 that the “lack of transparency” regarding the bill’s contents and “the stupidity of the American voter” were critical to its passage through Congress in 2010. Since the video was uploaded, the major English and Spanish broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, and Telemundo have chosen not to cover this devastating video on either their morning or evening newscasts. During the day on Monday alone, Gruber’s comments were covered on cable news channels CNN and the... continue reading