Press Releases

RESTON, VA – MRC President Brent Bozell issued the following statement on Monday in reaction to the Republican National Committee’s decision to officially cut ties with NBC News for a planned February 26 Republican presidential debate. “This was the right move by the RNC. After the dreadful performance by CNBC’s moderators at the Republican debate in October, it makes no sense to continue to allow committed left-wingers in the media to decide the nominee of the Republican Party. NBC News’s brand has been severely diminished by its continued antics over the last year in particular. NBC has proven itself unworthy... continue reading
RESTON, VA – The Media Research Center (MRC) is proud to announce the Worst of the Worst of 2014: The 27th Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting , with CNN anchor Carol Costello taking home the “Quote of the Year” honor for telling her viewers to enjoy listening to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, get attacked and berated: “Okay. I’m just going to come right out and say it: This is quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio we’ve ever come across — well, come across in a long time anyway. A massive brawl... continue reading
RESTON, VA – A study just released by the Media Research Center reveals the big three networks have covered unknown Capitol Hill staffer Elizabeth Lauten’s Facebook post – about how President Obama’s daughters looked and acted at an official event – almost twice as much as ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber’s “stupid voters” comments. The study found that ABC, CBS, and NBC have given Lauten’s post a total of 14 minutes, 13 seconds versus the scant 8 minutes, 20 seconds of total coverage for Gruber since November 9 on their morning and evening news shows. While CBS, NBC, and ABC waited... continue reading
RESTON, VA – According to a new analysis by MRC Culture, over the past two days the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have completely censored liberal Houston Mayor Annise Parker’s attempt to subpoena sermons of five pastors critical of the mayor, homosexuality, gender identity, or the city’s new “equal rights” ordinance. MRC President Brent Bozell released a statement in response to the networks’ refusal to cover Parker’s brazen attack on religious freedom and free speech: “When the government mandates what a pastor can or cannot say, and criminalizes preaching the Bible, we’re no different than Red China. How in... continue reading
RESTON, VA – Today, the Media Research Center (MRC) announced that it entered into an Agreed Order of Dismissal with the government ending its lawsuit to block enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate, which forces people of faith to subsidize health insurance plans that include abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization. The Agreed Order of Dismissal confirms that there is no imminent threat to the MRC from the government, and leaves the MRC free to reopen the suit should the government challenge the MRC’s self-declared exemption in the future. With the Agreed Order of... continue reading
RESTON, VA – Today, MRC's NewsBusters blog reported that The Rush Limbaugh Show is hitting back hard against the “Stop Rush” campaign, a phony grassroots movement designed to target, harass, and intimidate advertisers. According to Team Rush, “only 10 Twitter users account for almost 70% of all ‘Stop Rush’ tweets to advertisers, amplified by illicit software.” In reality, the campaign is not driven by real customers but rather a “small number of hardcore political activists founded by Angelo Carusone” of Media Matters for America. MRC President Brent Bozell released a statement condemning the fraudulent campaign as a blatant left-wing attack... continue reading
Reston, VA-- The Media Research Center will be holding an exclusive Facebook Q&A with country music icon and conservative patriot, Charlie Daniels on Wednesday, August 6th 12:00 pm ET at . MRC is encouraging all country music fans and political junkies to take advantage of this rare opportunity to ask Charlie about anything they want—nothing is off limits. A long-time friend of Brent Bozell's and a past participant at the MRC’s Annual Gala featuring the Dis Honors Awards, Charlie Daniels blogs regularly for (A division of the MRC) Mark your calendar for Wednesday, August 6th 12:00 pm ET,... continue reading
On Monday afternoon, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released the following statement in reaction to the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in the Hobby Lobby case: "The Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case was a great victory for the First Amendment and religious freedom. In preserving the nation's first freedom, the Court rejected the government imposing its will and agenda on people of faith who run companies and organizations. It also rejected the government's heavy handed attempt to punish these corporations and citizens through financially ruinous faith fines the government sought to impose on people who choose not... continue reading
RESTON, VA – Yesterday, Judicial Watch released a new batch of IRS documents that showed “extensive pressure on the IRS by Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) to shut down conservative leaning organizations.” According to an analysis from the Media Research Center, ABC, CBS, and NBC responded with exactly ZERO seconds of network news coverage. The released documents also revealed the IRS’s handling of the Tea Party applications was directed out of the agency’s DC headquarters, contrary to initial claims that blamed low-level officials in Cincinnati. In the year since the scandal broke, numerous major developments have gone completely unreported by the... continue reading
RESTON, VA – Today the Media Research Center (MRC) announced that it has filed a motion in US District Court for a preliminary injunction seeking to block enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate, which forces people of faith to subsidize health insurance plans that include abortion inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization. A hearing has been set for June 6. “This lawsuit is about religious freedom and the conscience rights of individuals to operate their enterprises free from government coercion, reprisal, or punishment,” MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell said. “The Obamacare mandate destroys... continue reading