ALEXANDRIA, VA - Knuckling under to the complaint of a single unidentified person, leading radio industry magazine Radio & Records has withdrawn its lifetime achievement award from conservative talk radio legend Bob Grant. The award was to be presented at their convention in Washington, D.C. this March. Heading up a panel of talk show hosts at the conference, and the host of his own syndicated radio talk show Keepin' It Real, is Reverend Al Sharpton, who has made racist remarks the veritable hallmark of his career. Sharpton has never been called to account for or faced any negative repercussions as... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA . -- The Media Research Center today awarded McClatchy News Service the dis-honor of the worst Notable Quotable of 2007, for a headline trying its best to contort good Iraq news into bad: "As violence falls in Iraq, cemetery workers feel the pinch" (October 16, 2007). First Runner-Up goes to MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann in October's Playboy magazine: "Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda - worse for our society. It's as dangerous as the Ku... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - A new Media Research Center study documents that as conditions in Iraq improved over the course of the last three months, ABC, CBS and NBCs reporting on it decreased. After over three years of the three major networks offering extensive coverage of the failings in Iraq, and their placing a skeptical spin on General Patraeuss September 10th surge progress report, their zeal for reporting on Iraq declined as the violence and casualties did. Each month, stories from and about Iraq have been less frequent: 178 in September, 108 in October and only 68 in November. It was... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Wednesday's CNN Republican Presidential debate was the network's second primary forum in two weeks to feature softball questions for or supporters of Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton. Wednesday's YouTube debate consisted of video questions selected by CNN from submissions from throughout the nation. Only two of the questioners were present to be allowed a follow-up, and one of them was retired General Keith Kerr, a known gay activist who is also on the Clinton campaign's LGBT Americans for Clinton Steering Committee. The November 15th Democratic debate at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas was billed by CNN as a... continue reading
Alexandria, VA- Media Research Center (MRC) President L. Brent Bozell could not help but laugh at today's revelation that the Hillary Clinton campaign has issued a preemptive threat to Thursday night's Democratic debate moderator Wolf Blitzer. "This is not in the least bit surprising," said Bozell. "Any deviation into actual journalism by any member of the normally accommodating media is grounds for war for team Clinton. This warning to Blitzer is her campaign's equivalent of saber-rattling, with the intent of beating a potential enemy into submission." This occurs on the heels of NBC moderator Tim Russert having the audacity to... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - The Media Research Center (MRC) has just released No Fairness Doctrine for PBS, an in-depth report documenting and detailing how the taxpayer-funded network has become even more blatantly and boldly liberal since the Democrats won control of Congress in November of 2006. "Since the Democrats assumed control of Congress, we've seen PBS add an extra jolt of electricity to their usual bashing of conservatives and Republicans," said Tim Graham, author of the report and MRC's Director of Media Analysis. "Liberals complain about fairness in talk radio, and seek to revive and reinstate a 1940s relic in the... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA To commemorate its 20th Anniversary, the Media Research Center has compiled the most outrageous liberal media quotes of the past two decades in a special edition of Notable Quotables, the MRCs bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous, often humorous quotes from the liberal media. The Top Ten Notable Quotables of the past 20 years are provided below, and the full special edition containing more than 100 quotes many accompanied by audio and video clips is available online at . This collection shows the scope of the very problem the MRC was founded to combat, stated Brent Bozell,... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - "CBS's timing is abysmal, given that this week marks the one-year anniversary of the massacre of five Amish girls and the wounding of five others in a Pennsylvania school on October 2, 2006," said Robert Knight, Director of MRC's Culture and Media Institute. "The makers of Cold Case seem to have a fetish for linking Christians and murder," Knight said. "Last Sunday, they smeared Bible-believing abstinence club teens as sex-obsessed, stone-throwing murderers. This Sunday, they're offering up a plot about an Amish girl who is murdered while on 'rumspringa,' the period in which the Amish allow teens... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell blasted MSNBC for deliberately misrepresenting statements radio host Rush Limbaugh made Thursday about an anti-war activist who falsely and despicably passed himself off as an Army Ranger and Purple Heart winner. On Friday, MSNBC's Hardball and Countdown programs wrongly adopted the dishonest spin of the far-left group Media Matters to attack Limbaugh. On Monday, three days before Limbaugh's comments, ABC's World News exposed the same anti-war activist, and ABC reporter Brian Ross declared his story "a complete fabrication." In spite of this, Media Matters and MSNBC pounded Limbaugh for making the... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA CBS and CNN continue to make inaccurate attacks against Bill OReilly. They claim he made racist remarks during his radio program this past week regarding a dinner he had with Al Sharpton at a Harlem restaurant. The charges are false. Even the Reverend Sharpton has said they are false. In light of these despicably false accusations, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell is calling upon CBS and CNN to distance themselves from left-wing hate groups and apologize to Bill OReilly for their participation in the smear campaign against him: Bill OReillys accusersthe dishonest leftists at Media Matters, CBS... continue reading