ALEXANDRIA, VA - The Media Research Center today sent a letter demanding an apology from Time magazine and its managing editor Richard Stengel for its April 28th cover art defiling the Iwo Jima Memorial. Signatories include individuals and organizations representing over 1,000 Iwo Jima veterans, as well as veterans of every foreign war fought in the last half century and many other members, retired and serving, of all branches of the armed forces. Time debased the Memorial's iconic image, depicting the Marines atop Mount Suribachi planting a tree instead of the American flag. When pressed about the offensive cover last... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA , VA - The Media Research Center today announces the worst liberal reporting awards from its 2008 Dis Honors Awards Gala held last night at the Grand Hyatt Washington. MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, the McClatchy News Service and HBO's Bill Maher "won" in their respective categories for their superlative bias. The competition was fierce, but a panel of distinguished judges - including Bob Novak, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tony Blankley, Larry Kudlow and MRC's own President Brent Bozell - weeded through hundreds of bad journalists and thousands of lowlights to select the honorees. "Quote of... continue reading
WHO: Ann Coulter, Larry Kudlow, Mark Levin, Cal Thomas and other conservative luminaries will present and accept DisHonors "awards" at the annual gala hosted by Brent Bozell and the Media Research Center. More than 1,000 guests will be in attendance. WHAT: MRC's annual DisHonors Awards Gala, an evening dedicated to "honoring" the worst reporting of 2007 with witty presentations, mock acceptance speeches, comedic video compilations and celebrity photo opportunities. The second annual "William F. Buckley, Jr. Award for Media Excellence" will be presented to Tony Snow. And we will honor the memory of posthumous Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Lt... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - The Media Research Center [MRC] has launched a groundbreaking, interactive news and entertainment platform designed to transform the world of online video-sharing and networking - without the censorship or political agenda of YouTube. Eyeblast ( ) is aimed at the next generation of conservatives and at conservative organizations. It combines the video-sharing qualities of YouTube with the social-networking capability of Facebook to pull the digital, interactive components into one space. People can create, share and view videos, audio and other content on topics that are important to them, ranging from current events and politics to entertainment... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - Since last Thursday when Reverend Jeremiah Wright's anti-American and bigoted video clips were first aired, the media have gone into full damage control mode to minimize their impact on Senator Barack Obama's Presidential campaign. The networks have refused to broadcast some of the most egregious of Wright's railings. On the Sunday after 9/11, Rev. Wright blasted America as a supporter of terrorism and crowed that "America's chickens are coming home to roost." But this inflammatory comment has yet to be shown on the ABC, CBS or NBC evening news shows. And after Obama's Tuesday speech to expressly... continue reading
Bozell: "ONE spoken reference to Spitzer as a Democrat by the big three networks over nine and a half hours of news programming. Pathetic." ALEXANDRIA, VA - Monday afternoon, the story broke that Governor Eliot Spitzer (D-NY) was a serial client of a top-dollar prostitution ring. On Monday night, again on Tuesday morning and yet again on Tuesday night, NBC, ABC and CBS all went out of their way to avoid saying that Spitzer is a Democrat. NBC ran twelve segments on the Spitzer story - one on Monday's Nightly News and eleven on Tuesday's Today - and not once... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton has produced an ad in which the skin of her opponent, African-American Senator Barack Obama, is alleged to have been digitally darkened. Last night, none of the broadcast or cable news networks found it newsworthy. None of them investigated the charge or reported on the ad. Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell: "Where is the outrage from the establishment media? If John McCain had been accused of this, it would not only end his presidential campaign, it would end his career. If any Republican had been accused of this, it... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA . -- New York Times' executive editor Bill Keller continues to defend the paper's unsubstantiated gossip alleging an improper sexual relationship between Senator John McCain and lobbyist Vicki Iseman - even claiming that "no one has challenged what we actually reported," despite clear denials from McCain, Iseman and three top campaign advisors. Keller repeatedly admitted in a National Public Radio interview that he and the Times had no facts and no story. As for the alleged affair, "If, hypothetically, we had established that he had a romantic relationship with a lobbyist - and had done favors for that... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA . -- With nothing more than nine-year-old gossip from shadowy, unnamed sources, the New York Times last night journalistically assaulted Senator John McCain, whom they endorsed for President, with a 3,000 word attempt to create out of whole cloth an improper sexual relationship between McCain and lobbyist Vicki Iseman. Full of innuendo and devoid of facts, this nearly decade-old "news" story contains nothing new and nothing newsworthy. It serves only as the lowest form of smarmy political attack. Brent Bozell issued the following statement: It is beyond appalling that the New York Times continues its steady slide into... continue reading
ALEXANDRIA, VA - Sacred Heart University's year-long 2007 study of the American people's views on the establishment media reads as a prolonged indictment of nearly all the major institutions of American journalism. The numbers are even more horrific than those found in their 2003 survey. Just 19.6% of those asked could say they believe all or most news media reporting, down from 27.4% in 2003. 23.9% said they believe little or none of it. By a three-to-one margin Americans see news media journalists and broadcasters as mostly or somewhat liberal over mostly or somewhat conservative. For National Public Radio and... continue reading