Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement today in response to a Wednesday evening interview between MTP Daily host Chuck Todd and Mark Bray, a prominent voice in the radical left-wing Antifa movement. The Antifa supporter went unchallenged as he promoted his violent extremist beliefs to MSNBC viewers: “The main perspective of Antifa is essentially that rather than simply waiting for the threat to materialize, you stop it from the beginning. You say no platform for fascism and that's what we're seeing with the attempts in Charlottesville and elsewhere.” When Chuck Todd, specifically asked : “... continue reading
Brent Bozell III Blasts Jeff Flake as an Impostor “Jeff Flake is not a conservative, nor does he have a conscience.” On behalf of my late father and my family, I am denouncing Senator Jeff Flake and his new book, dishonestly titled, “Conscience of a Conservative.” Since entering the Senate in 2013, Jeff Flake has, time and again, proven he is part of the indulgent hypocrisy in Washington. While he waxes poetically about conservative principles, his Conservative Review Liberty score is an abysmal 53%, also known as: “F”. In 2013, I watched first-hand as Flake refused to sign a letter... continue reading
Reston, VA : Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement blasting the New York Times Editorial Board for their intentionally fallacious editorial on the Alexandria shooting. MRC President Brent Bozell “The New York Times Editorial Board should be embarrassed by the flaming pile of garbage they published today. Even in the face of a radical leftist's attempted assassination of numerous members of Congress, they try to find a way to cast blame on... conservatives! Their editorial perpetuates a long-debunked leftist conspiracy theory about Gov. Sarah Palin inciting the Giffords shooting. They know better. The New York... continue reading
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Tuesday condemned the weak and “dishonest” apology from CNN’s Reza Aslan. Outrage has grown in the wake of the host calling Donald Trump a “piece of shit” on Twitter. Bozell issued the following statement, as well as an open letter to the president of CNN: “Reza Aslan’s apology was not only insincere, but dishonest. His vulgar remarks towards President Trump this past weekend were only a few of the many hateful comments he has made about conservatives. CNN has yet to respond in any fashion to the backlash over Mr. Aslan’s insults. Allowing... continue reading
CNN host Reza Aslan went on a profanity-laced tirade against Donald Trump over the weekend. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called out Aslan and the liberal cable network. He issued the following statement: “It’s up to CNN President Jeff Zucker to cut ties with Mr. Aslan and ensure he will no longer have a show on CNN, which still lists him as a host on its website. We will call on him to do so and report back to the public what CNN’s formal position is. Certainly, Mr. Zucker would sever ties if a CNN host had said the... continue reading
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell today announced a new campaign that will focus on informing the American public and corporate advertisers about leftist shows and on-air personalities who use their programs to spread vicious lies and hate. “We are putting the radical left on notice that we are on to them. We know the inside-outside game that radical organizations are playing with their leftist allies in the "news" media. The radical left’s effort to silence conservative media by targeting their advertisers with coordinated smear campaigns has gone unanswered, but today is the day the conservative movement fights back,... continue reading
Liberals, both inside the media and on the outside, are attempting to take down Fox News host Sean Hannity. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement: The attack on Sean Hannity is a part of the liberal strategy to re-establish their monopoly over television news. They want only one voice on the air: their own. All others must be silenced. We now see elements of corporate America joining in the liberal cause and advancing the liberal strategy. These corporations are not serving the interests of their customers. Sponsoring a free, meaningful dialogue based on mutual respect reflects... continue reading
On Thursday morning, news broke that Roger Ailes, the founder and chairman of Fox News, passed away at the age of 77. His wife wrote , “Roger was a loving husband to me, to his son Zachary, and a loyal friend to many." Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement: “I’d like to offer my condolences to the wife and son of Roger Ailes. I knew Roger for over 30 years and from the start I was in awe of his talent. The Left would command a monopoly control of the so-called "news" media but for the... continue reading
he Media Research Center offered a press statement on the media overreaction to the Comey news: “The firing of FBI Director James Comey has pushed the deranged, bloodthirsty media over the edge. Rather than reporting the facts, the media rushed to breathlessly pushing Democratic talking points and conspiracy theories untethered to reason or reality. The notion that this is in any way comparable to Watergate is hysterical. Any media report that leaves out how Democratic officials flipped from slamming Comey’s handling of the email investigation to feigning outrage and mourning his dismissal is worthless.” Check out our analysis, including: NBC... continue reading
RESTON, VA — On Friday morning, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and MRC Latino Director Ken Oliver-Mendez released the following statements in reaction to Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos receiving the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Political Journalism. Brent Bozell, President, Media Research Center “Jorge Ramos has openly proclaimed the need for ‘journalists’ to go after President Trump and fight the President’s political agenda, and for that he gets an award from the ‘objective’ press. And journalists wonder why poll after poll has their credibility in the toilet. This man doesn’t deserve a prize for political journalism, but for... continue reading