RESTON, VA – Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement praising CNN and MSNBC for their decisions to ban Roger Stone, a close associate of presidential candidate Donald Trump , who has called for intimidation of delegates at this summer’s Republican Convention. A report by Politico on CNN’s decision to ban Stone cited his attacks on Ana Navarro (a Jeb Bush supporter and CNN analyst) in which he called her an “Entitled Diva Bitch,” “Borderline retarded,” and “dumber than dog s---.” Stone has also referred to Roland Martin and Ana Navarro as “quota hires” by CNN... continue reading
RESTON, VA – The Alliance for Fair Coverage of Life Issues launched its #CoverTheMarch campaign today demanding the media cover this year’s March for Life and cover it fairly. The annual event held in Washington, D.C. draws hundreds of thousands of peaceful participants from all over the country. This year’s March for Life marks the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade , the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand. The Alliance for Fair Coverage of Life Issues , a coalition of 17 pro-life organizations and two members of Congress along with the Media Research Center, formed in response... continue reading
RESTON, VA – The Media Research Center (MRC) is proud to announce the Worst of the Worst of 2015: The 28th Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting , with MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry taking home the “Quote of the Year” honor for scolding a guest who referred to Speaker-to-be Paul Ryan as a “hard worker:” Alfonso Aguilar, Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles: “If there’s somebody who is a hard worker when he goes to Washington, it’s Paul Ryan....” Host Melissa Harris-Perry : “I want us to be super careful when we use the language ‘hard worker,’ because I actually keep... continue reading
RESTON, VA – This morning, the New York Daily News published an offensive cover mocking GOP presidential candidates, the Speaker of the House and people of faith for turning to prayer after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California. Instead of denouncing this anti-religious bigotry, many in the news media have subsequently touted and praised the disgusting headline, “God Isn’t Fixing This,” belittling prayer as a response to tragedy. Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell reacts: “It wasn’t enough that the New York Daily News saw no issue with publishing such an offensive cover in the aftermath of the... continue reading
RESTON, VA – Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued a statement today blasting the New York Daily News for their cover mocking people of faith for praying in the wake of the tragedy in San Bernardino, California. MRC President Brent Bozell reacts: “The cover of today’s New York Daily News is offensive and disgraceful. For a major city newspaper to use their front page to mock people who are praying after what happened yesterday is unconscionable and unbefitting a publication that purports to be a serious media outlet. “I am calling on the publisher of the New York... continue reading
RESTON, VA – Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement sharply criticizing Politico’s hire of Brad Dayspring as its new VP of Communications. Brad Dayspring, a well-known beltway establishment Republican operative, has a history of antagonizing conservatives, both on the national and grassroots level, smearing them on countless occasions. He’s also reviled by conservatives for planting false, trumped-up stories against challengers to Republican incumbents when he helped manage communications strategy for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. MRC President Brent Bozell reacts: “Personnel is policy. Brad Dayspring has made his name by running to left-wing outlets to... continue reading
RESTON, VA – A Media Research Center analysis of the questions posed by moderators John Harwood, Carl Quintanilla and Becky Quick at CNBC's Republican presidential debate found nearly two-thirds (65%) hit the candidates with negative spin, personal insults or ad hominem attacks. In contrast, all of the questions posed by CNBC personalities Jim Cramer, Rick Santelli and Sharon Epperson focused on policy matters and were phrased in a constructive, respectful tone. The MRC analysis examined the 43 unique questions posed by one of the three moderators. Nearly two-thirds of those (28, or 65%) included negative spin, personal insult or attack,... continue reading
RESTON, VA: Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement praising CNN’s Anderson Cooper who moderated last night’s first Democrat debate. “During last night's Democratic debate, Anderson Cooper in large measure did exactly what a debate moderator is supposed to do. He asked tough, probing questions of all the candidates. Better yet, he did what most moderators won't do: when given an evasive or untrue answer, he pounced in a follow-up question, exposing the evasion or untruth. It was a breath of fresh air to see such professionalism. Give him an A- for a job well done... continue reading
Reston, VA: Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell III today ripped CNN and network news outlets for referring to Center for Medical Progress undercover investigative videos of Planned Parenthood as "edited" or "heavily edited," when they engage in those same news practices. "The hypocrisy meter is going off the charts at CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. In their reporting about the Planned Parenthood videos, they refer to them as 'edited' or 'heavily edited.' Well guess what? Each and every day these same TV news outlets edit and heavily edit their own news segments -- including their stories about the... continue reading
RESTON, VA – Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and MRC Latino Director Ken Oliver-Mendez issued the following statements in the wake of Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos’ crass abandonment last night of professional journalism standards and protocol. In Dubuque, Iowa, Ramos attended a Donald Trump press conference and launched into a statement-filled (rather than question-filled) diatribe without first waiting to be recognized for a question by the candidate. After Trump refused to address him, Ramos yelled, "I’m a reporter, an immigrant, a senior citizen. I have the right to ask a question.” Jorge Ramos is well known for using... continue reading