Bozell Demands CNN Cut Ties With Aslan After Profanity-Laced Tirade Against Trump

CNN host Reza Aslan went on a profanity-laced tirade against Donald Trump over the weekend. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called out Aslan and the liberal cable network. He issued the following statement: 

“It’s up to CNN President Jeff Zucker to cut ties with Mr. Aslan and ensure he will no longer have a show on CNN, which still lists him as a host on its website. We will call on him to do so and report back to the public what CNN’s formal position is. Certainly, Mr. Zucker would sever ties if a CNN host had said the same thing about President Obama. The Media Research Center continues to put all media personalities on notice: we will publicly call out your media outlets -- and the decision makers at those outlets – in the event of any personal, character assassination attacks.”

In March, Aslan shamefully tried to connect bomb threats against Jewish community centers to “rhetoric that’s coming out of the White House.” 

In September of 2015, he derided the Republican Party’s “Muslim bashing” and “xenophobia.”