RESTON, VA -- Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell released the following statement on Thursday in the wake of the news that View co-host Joy Behar had privately apologized to Vice President Mike Pence for her hateful, anti-Christian remarks from February 13. Bozell described the act as a “good first step,” but called for a public apology. He confirmed that the MRC’s campaign to hold ABC’s advertisers accountable will continue. Here’s MRC President Brent Bozell: It is a good first step that Joy Behar privately apologized to Vice President Pence, but it is not nearly enough. Behar and ABC... continue reading
RESTON, VA — The Media Research Center's Facebook and YouTube video views crossed a major milestone in 2017 — topping 400 million views by the New Year and nearly doubling its previous year's views. In the first three weeks of January 2018, MRC surpassed 23 million video views, up from 1.3 million views at the same time last year. The Media Research Center, whose mission is to expose and neutralize liberal media bias, has expanded its video production with the relaunch of in 2015 as part of an effort to provide new content platforms for a younger generation of... continue reading
For Immediate Release: January 11, 2018 Contact : Tom Buchanan (703) 683-5004 , Reston, VA – The Media Research Center (MRC) announced today that prominent conservative LTC Allen B. West, USA, Ret. has been named a Senior Fellow at the MRC to support its mission to expose and neutralize liberal media bias. In addition to his 22 years in the United States Army, Lt. Colonel West’s extensive career includes representing Florida’s 22nd District in the 112thUnited States Congress and serving as Executive Director to the National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas, TX. He is a Fox News contributor,... continue reading
MRC President Bozell Calls on NBC to Launch Independent Review into Company’s Culture of Sexual Misconduct RESTON, VA -- Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell released the following statement today calling on NBC to hire an independent investigator to review its culture of sexual misconduct following new claims against MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. According to a report by the Daily Caller , NBC paid one of Matthew’s former producers $40,000 after she filed a sexual harassment complaint against the Hardball host in 1999. In the past few months, NBC has been forced to fire Matt Lauer, Mark Halperin, and Matt... continue reading
On Tuesday morning, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released the following statement reacting to NBC firing Matt Lauer for sexual misconduct: RESTON, VA -- "This is truly a case of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Matt Lauer has spent decades sanctimoniously lecturing others on the ethics of their behavior, yet clearly has not held himself to the same standards. Sexual harassment in any way, shape or form is absolutely repugnant. These allegations are shocking, but perhaps we shouldn't be surprised by his behavior. Remember, this is a man who once attempted to dismiss Bill Clinton's sex scandals as 'personal... continue reading
MRC President Bozell Blasts Network Censorship of Clinton-Uranium Scandal “The Media Have Failed the American People and Must Be Held Accountable” RESTON, VA -- Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell today blasted the media’s censorship of the developing Uranium scandal involving the Clintons and Obama Administration. According to the Media Research Center, CBS has devoted only 69 seconds to the bombshell story The Hill broke last Tuesday, October 17, while ABC and NBC have still yet to cover it. In that report, it was established that the FBI had found evidence of a Russian bribery plot before the Obama... continue reading
MRC President Bozell Slams Media Blackout of Clinton-Uranium Scandal Reston, VA -- Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement today in response to the media blackout of the recent developments in the Clinton-Uranium scandal. On Tuesday, The Hill revealed the FBI had found evidence of a Russian bribery plot before the Obama Administration’s controversial 2010 nuclear deal with Moscow. The Senate Judiciary Committee has opened an investigation into the scandal which reportedly involves millions in kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation. A new report from the Media Research Center found that the Big Three Networks (ABC, NBC,... continue reading
RESTON, Va. -- On Thursday morning, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released the following statement responding to the hypocrisy in Hollywood: “Hollywood’s hypocrisy about Harvey Weinstein is only outdone by its hypocrisy about gun control. You just knew the Hollywood celebrity crowd would jump all over that issue in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre. Yet in just four of the biggest movies showing around the country at this very moment – Kingsman: Golden Circle, American Assassin, It, and Mother! – there are no less than 212 incidents of gun violence. In just these four movies the body... continue reading
RESTON, Va. — On Monday afternoon, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released the following statement reacting to the NFL protests during the National Anthem: “Protesting the National Anthem not only distracts from the sport that pays these players millions but, more importantly, disrespects the men and women of the military who risk their lives to allow them that opportunity. This is a spectacle designed to score political points, and the public is sick and tired of it. People tune in to football to enjoy themselves, not to have to subject themselves to attacks on our flag because spoiled players... continue reading
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement today in response to NBC’s Chuck Todd again giving Mark Bray, a prominent voice in Antifa, a platform to promote his violent leftist agenda on Sunday’s Meet the Press. MRC President Brent Bozell: “Violent leftists have broken into the mainstream and Chuck Todd is guilty of aiding and abetting. It is abhorrent that NBC and Todd believe it acceptable to normalize extremist groups like Antifa which use terror to silence their opposition. “After last Wednesday's softball interview, Chuck Todd had the opportunity to correct his mistake but instead chose... continue reading