MRC’s Brent Bozell Lambastes NFL Protests, Encourages Nationwide Boycott on October 1

RESTON, Va. — On Monday afternoon, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released the following statement reacting to the NFL protests during the National Anthem:

“Protesting the National Anthem not only distracts from the sport that pays these players millions but, more importantly, disrespects the men and women of the military who risk their lives to allow them that opportunity. This is a spectacle designed to score political points, and the public is sick and tired of it. People tune in to football to enjoy themselves, not to have to subject themselves to attacks on our flag because spoiled players don't like the politics of our president. The public needs to have its voice heard. This Sunday, October 1st, I ask football fans to support our flag and turn off the NFL. One week without football to support our flag. We should not continue to give attention to players who refuse to show respect for our great nation.”