Real Health Care Reform: More Choices, Lower Cost, No Tax Hikes - And Why Government Medicine is a Bad Idea - Event hosted by Americans for Tax Reform, the Media Research Center, and the Health Care Freedom Coalition Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) - Chairman, Republican Study Committee House conservative efforts on a health reform alternative Audio Video Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) - Chairman, Senate Steering Committee Introduction of the Health Care Freedom Act Audio Video First Q & A Audio Video MRC's Seton Motley Audio Video Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Ph.D. - former Director, CBO Why Government Health Care Is Expensive and... continue reading
ABC provides ZERO experts to oppose Obama's government medicine prescription Alexandria, VA - Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell today responded to ABC's hour and a half of nighttime programming yesterday broadcast from the White House and dedicated to President Barack Obama's position on the health care debate. ABC had promised to deliver a health care presentation that would "not be 'slanted' in any way - much less a 'day-long infomercial' or 'in-kind free advertising'," but not a single expert was offered to counter President Obama's plan to nationalize the nation's health care industry. The network gave Obama a... continue reading
Alexandria, VA- Today, on Capitol Hill, the Media Research Center along with Americans for Tax Reform and the Health Care Freedom Coalition sponsored an event showcasing Sen. Jim DeMint, Rep. Tom Price and key health care experts who discussed the alternatives to and the pitfalls of President Obama's health care proposal. MRC Communications Director Seton Motley provided an explanation for the event. "ABC isn't permitting much conservative participation in the 'conversation' they are 'moderating' with President Obama tonight. So working with Americans for Tax Reform and the Health Care Freedom Coalition, we offered the other side of the debate ABC... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - David Letterman issued what many are calling a full and complete apology to Governor Sarah Palin, her daughters, family and "everybody else who was outraged" by his raunchy sex "joke" that he told - and later defended with a sarcastic apology - aimed at the Palin family including her daughter. But according to Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Center, it is far from an unequivocal apology: "Letterman's 'apology' is slippery and Clintonian. He talked about the 'perception' of his joke three times in his statement. He then goes on to say twice that he was... continue reading
For the list of questions, please click here . Dear Chairman Rockefeller, Ranking Member Hutchinson and all Members of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Tomorrow's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) confirmation hearing for Chairman-nominee Julius Genachowski and the reconfirmation of Commissioner Robert McDowell is a vital moment for free speech and the First Amendment in this country. Commissioner McDowell has been a stalwart champion of political free speech in his time on the FCC. He has been and remains a bulwark against a return of the Censorship Doctrine - also mis-known as the "Fairness" Doctrine. We know where he... continue reading
When Mr. Genachowski appears before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee for his confirmation hearing June 16, 2009 Some people seeking radical changes to the way the radio industry is regulated have deemed the industry and the regulatory regime "broken," and in need of their drastic prescriptions to repair it. Would you say that the radio industry is "broken?" --------------------- If he says "No": Since you say it's not broken, you would agree that there is no need for the sort of radical, political content-affecting enforcement of "localism" or "media diversity" regulations or a reimposition of the so-called "Fairness"... continue reading
Some people seeking radical changes to the way the radio industry is regulated have deemed the industry and the regulatory regime "broken," and in need of their drastic prescriptions to repair it. Would you say that the radio industry is "broken?" --------------------- If he says "No": Since you say it's not broken, you would agree that there is no need for the sort of radical, political content-affecting enforcement of "localism" or "media diversity" regulations or a reimposition of the so-called "Fairness" Doctrine for which these people have called, correct? --------------------- Regarding "Media Diversity": How far are you going to go... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - "Comedian" David Letterman refuses to take responsibility and apologize for his disgusting sex "joke" about Sarah Palin's daughter getting "knocked up" by baseball star Alex Rodriguez. Wednesday night, Letterman attempted to clear his name on national television by denying that the joke was aimed at Willow, the 14-year-old Palin who was the daughter attending the Yankee game in New York with her mother at the time. He claims the joke referred to 18-year-old Bristol Palin, as if that's a much more suitable young woman to disparage. "I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex... continue reading
Alexandria, VA - Today the Media Research Center's Free Speech Alliance (FSA) will deliver nearly 400,000 petitions - combined with thousands of calls and faxes - to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid urging them to allow a full, fair stand-alone floor vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act (BFA). The BFA would prevent the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)'s from re-imposing the anti-First Amendment so-called "Fairness" Doctrine. This is all part of a multi-faceted, week-long national grassroots initiative. Many of the sixty-seven FSA member organizations are participating, rallying their members to telephone the offices of Speaker Pelosi... continue reading